
2013 "Everyone wants one."
5.5| 1h35m| NR| en

Three college friends hit the biggest party of the year, where a mysterious phenomenon disrupts the night, quickly descending into a chaos that challenges their friendships - and whether they can stay alive.


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Steineded How sad is this?
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
InaneSwine As seems to be typical with Dennis Iliadis' work, the cinematography is spot on, and a dismal set-up turns unexpectedly engaging and nerve-racking. Unfortunately, it relies far too heavily on clichés, the dialogue is awful and the plot becomes so twisted and ridiculous that the artifice shines through. And yet in spite of everything, it really grabs your attention and doesn't let go. Alongside "The Last House on the Left", Iliadis proves that he is a very talented filmmaker, if only he could keep a firm hold on the plot.
NahuelHuapi I will never understand how excellent films like this get a score of 5 or 6. They are the best and, even if I tried, i wouldn't be able of finding anything wrong about them. So then, why do these films get a regular score instead of an excellent one like they deserve It? Maybe it's because it's related to teen parties and oldies don't like that. I don't know, that's the only explanation I can think of. Maybe because it has a sex scene and some parents don't like that? I seriously have no clue at all. Are they jealous? Seriously, I DON'T UNDERSTAND. It's a fast film, It has occasional and well-fit comedy, It has a very interesting time paradox that's like a mindf***, It includes three great stars who you can be related with, It has moments where you can see how fu**** is the human in one very particular scene. IT HAS EVERYTHING! This is excellence for me. I'll never understand how AWESOME movies like this pass by so fast and get so underrated. It's not in the Top 10 best films i've seen but It's excellent and deserves such a better score than that one. Anyway, this will remain as another one of the many mysteries that there are in life. 10/10.
Hunky Stud i didn't read the DVD cover before i watched the film. it is a scary film to be watched at night time, that is for sure. i can't guess what it is all about, it gave me lots of goose bumps while watching it. when the film ended, i realized how simple the story line is. but it kept me in my seat until the end, it piqued my interest. i enjoy watching it. on the other hand, this film once again like other Hollywood films, it has no Asian characters. the only one in it was a naked "Japanese" woman, who can't even speak Japanese. actually, she didn't speak any common Asian language at all, i think that she just said whatever to make it sounded like Japanese.it is supposed to happen in a college, but it has no Asian students in it. now these days, when you go to any colleges in the USA, you are bound to see a few asians. this film only has plenty of white people. when was the last time, you see two hot Asian couples having sex in a Hollywood film, etc?
Matt Kracht The plot: During an out-of-control party, a group of college students experience a timeline disturbance that causes duplicates of themselves to appear.The basic concept of this film is interesting, even if it is a bit of a retread of many other recent films, including Triangle, Timecrimes, Primer, etc. Unlike those films, this one stars a group teens straight out of American Pie. If that sounds appealing to you, then you'll probably enjoy this film more than I did.Like Deadgirl, this film seems to ambiguously address themes of narcissism and misogyny. The kids' party is so over-the-top sexist that it's difficult not to believe that the following events aren't some kind of commentary. However, again like Deadgirl, the amorality of it leaves one wondering whether the film is simply misogynist itself. I'm inclined to take a charitable view of both films, but it's difficult to say with certainty that they are intentionally taking a stance against misogyny.If you're the sort that enjoys gratuitous nudity, ignores plot holes and other contrivances, and thinks that people read way too much into films, you'll probably enjoy this. It's not bad for what it is, and there are some good scenes. On the other hand, if you're looking for something like Primer, I'd suggest you skip this. It's a bit deeper than you might first think, but that's not saying much. I thought about rating this 6/10, but the ending was a bit weak.