10.0 Earthquake

2014 "The end is near."
3.5| 1h28m| en

Los Angeles is about to be hit by a devastating earthquake, and time is running out to save the city from imminent danger.


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Cortechba Overrated
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Michael Ledo Fracking earthquakes hit Los Angles and threaten the big one. Jack (Henry Ian Cusick) a divorced engineer must save his family, get back with his wife and save the city, which you already know if you have ever seen a disaster film. In this feature, there is only one child to save (Heather Sossaman) and he goes after her before he knows she is in trouble. Jeffery Jones imitates Christopher Lloyd as a scientist. Once again Chasty Ballesteros gets a role as the token "hot Asian chick."Very boring. Very formula.Guide: F-word. sex. no nudity .BTW, due to fracking there are now more earthquakes per year in Oklahoma than California, but the threat of Tulsa falling off into the ocean is not a very convincing film, although I am sure Asylum could pull it off.
Ed Zegradabezavitch If you're looking for an Oscar winner keep on looking. But if you just want to have fun this is at least that. Just ignore the acting. Watch it with your significant other just for fun, just without any expectations. It might surprise you and you'll agree with me. If you've ever been to Los Angeles it's interesting too to see the landmarks crumble. It IS a bit campy I'll admit. But the humor will at least make you smile. Just don't expect to be rolling on the floor laughing your --- off. Sure they didn't pay much for their special effects but they weren't awful. It comes close to being an anti-fracking statement but there really wasn't any mention in the dialogue of stopping it. So don't write it off. It's fun.
elliott78212 I love disaster flicks often I work from home and just put them on my streaming playlist to fill the silent void as I work. I have discovered a few hidden gems using this practice, however this is not a gem, dude its a dud. David Chokachi is a decent actor wasted in this below average snooze fest. I've become accustomed to the works of the Asylum,UFO Films ,and Cinetel,enter now Marisa Films, what are these Tax Shelters? Remember back in the day low budget movies that actually tried to live up to the big guys, not anymore cheap special FX no attempt to make a quality production just sell it to one of the hundreds of worldwide TV channels and break even. Your not missing anything by not swing this movie.
Prismark10 Its one of these Syfy channel productions with a cheesy comedy disaster scenario and equally cheesy special effects.There are a series of small earthquakes tearing apart Los Angeles. Two scientists believe that it is all building to a super-quake that will drop the entire city into a lava filled basin. They show this by hitting a hammer on a car windscreen and still having to rely on bad CGI effects for this demonstration to work.An Engineer whose company is responsible for the quakes due to their fracking activities helps the scientists with a bizarre plan to somehow divert the epic enter to a less populated area of LA and save millions of lives.The film starts of slowly enough as the fissures lead to people disappearing in various scenarios although we get an eyeful of some lovely ladies in bikinis. There is some nice location shots of various parts of LA as the film tries to set the scene.However we just wait and wait for the 10.0 Earthquake and get teased with some fault lines here, the Capitol Building being wrecked there but its really a poorly written film with cheap effects and a crummy plot.