SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Excellent, Without a doubt!!
In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Paris is a city of some 7 million people, and they all evacuated in 10 minutes, leaving the main kids the city to themselves for most of the movie. This movie begs for IMDb to re-insert its message boards, just so we can make fun of movies like this. The dwarf dude from Lord of the Rings provided the only drama when he made the plane wait an extra 10 minute before taking off. How many times could the main kid run into the girl he was checking out earlier in the film?
Richard Cullen
The plot idea was sound enough (after all, it worked well for the blockbuster that inspired it). Sadly the execution was very sloppy - even by The Asylum standards.The caricatures (you can't say that they were developed enough to be characters) never develop in any way that encourages the audience to care about them at all. As usual there is a mentally underdeveloped son in the family. I'm not sure why The Asylum is so keen on this feature. Surely they could either write the part for an older teen or cast a younger actor? They drive to the Channel Tunnel - which is strangely being guarded by Eastern Europeans in US-style combat gear. Some attempt has been made to show a location - by placing a still photo of a Eurostar sitting in the tunnel mouth. It would be still, of course, as there is no electrical overhead wiring and, as we soon discover, no track in the tunnel either seeing as they drive through it in the Eastern European-registered car that they somehow obtained in the UK.Also, it seems that the storm is so bad that all the roads in France have vanished.The RAF also now wear US uniforms and use American ranks (although, at least they used a couple of Brits to play the parts). Really, though, how hard would it have been to use the right uniforms and ranks? Not at all. It just emphasises how lazy the production were being.Now, they chose to film in Hungary. How much extra would it have cost to film in the UK or France where they could have used actors with appropriate accents and uniforms? There is doing a film on the cheap, and then there is producing something so lazily that it really does not deserve to have been produced.It is actually annoying that I know of local actors and directors who can produce films of higher standards than this on a four-figure budget, yet their work remains unbroadcast.
It's so bad it's actually a great film. The plot is a mirror of Day After Tomorrow, just with worse acting and no film continuity. Some great one liners and heartfelt (not) emotion. There was obviously no pre-filming research done by the production team: in the UK we drive on the left, have our steering wheels on the right, and the Channel Tunnel isn't a road link; only rail. They did get the logo right though. Product placement?What was great about this film is the awfulness. It's hysterically funny without being a made as a comedy. It's a disaster movie in every sense of the word. Fantastic. I only didn't give it 10 stars because the sets didn't wobble. That would have been worth the final two stars.John Rhys-Davis gave a star performance as a British Officer whilst wearing an American officer's uniform. Just about sums up this film really...
Shoddy acting is the least of this pictures shortcomings. I would soley blame the director, but it is obviously far beyond that. The only department that didn't utterly botch their job was the costume department. Though I did find it odd that all of the soldiers wore cameo-patterned pajamas.In fact, it would be more at home being the Literary Arts homework of a third-grade boy. The writer, director, and producer of this film ought to be charged under Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 113C, Section 2340 of the US legal code. I have been more entertained mowing my lawn than watching this insult to the industry. Dry pasta has more taste and my vomit has more character. I pray that these men never again work in the industry. This film is too terrible to even be considered for a "bad movie night".