100 Tears

2007 "Everyone loathes a clown."
4.2| 1h30m| NC-17| en

After being accused of crimes he did not commit, a lonely circus performer exacts his revenge on those who unjustly condemned him. The act sparks something inside of him which he cannot stop and now, years later, his inner-demons have truly surfaced. Part urban legend, part tabloid sensationalism... he is now an unstoppable murderous juggernaut, fueled only by hate.


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SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Michael_Elliott 100 Tears (2007) ** (out of 4) Two journalist want to break away from their tabloid trash so they decide to start investigating a serial killer. It turns out this killer is a clown who is still seeking vengeance over being accused of a crime he didn't commit. What the journalist don't realize is that there might be someone else helping.100 TEARS has a minor cult following among certain horror fans that want to seek out low-budget movies that have incredibly gory special effects. If you're looking for a Hollywood type of horror film then you'll certainly want to stay away from this thing but if you're looking for a type of film that rarely gets made any more than director Marcus Koch's bloodbath will have you smiling from ear to ear.It should go without saying but the main draw is going to be the special effects, which have people being slaughtered in a variety of ways with all sorts of blood and guts being splashed around. People are chopped in two. Others are decapitated. Some are lucky and only have legs and arms chopped off. Bodies are gloriously mutilated in countless ways here and the practical special effects are certainly a breath of fresh air when you consider that CGI has taken over Hollywood and even direct-to-video material. The effects aren't always believable but it's still fun seeing actual work in front of your eyes. Without question if you're a gore fan then this is a film for you.The story itself isn't all that original but at the same time I liked the fact that they tried to tell a story and didn't just go for all gore. With that said, the film runs about twenty minutes too long so some editing would have helped things. I thought Georgia Chris was good enough in the lead role and Joe Davison adds some nice laughs as well. Jack Amos makes for a good killer and Raine Brown also does her role justice.100 TEARS is a gory, blood and ultra-violent film that fans of such films should enjoy.
Paul Andrews 100 Tears is set in Florida where a serial killer known as the 'Teardrop Killer' has been murdering people for the past twenty years, his latest victims were all staying at a halfway house for teens as he slaughters the entire place. Two local journalist's Christine Greaston (Raine Brown) & Mark Webb (writer & producer Joe Davison) are writing a front page article on serial killers & decide to investigate the Teardrop Killer since the halfway house massacre took place nearby, speaking to an eyewitness Christine & Mark learn that the killer was dressed as a clown & as such check out any local circus. Christine & mark hit the jackpot & several leads prove useful in discovering the Teardrop Killer is in fact Gurdy the Clown (Jack Amos), to close to quit & desperate for a big story the pair go after Gurdy themselves & try to save some lives in the process...Directed by Marcus Koch who is also credited with the special effects make-up this low budget slasher film wasn't as amateurish or as downright bad as I was expecting, 100 Tears is no masterpiece but it has lots of gore & is generally quite watchable. The script is as basic as they come, I would imagine if the makers had any sort of budget they would have had many more set-pieces & sets rather than staging scenes in car parks & made the whole plot far more elaborate. Only two (plain clothes) cops are ever despite several murder scenes being featured & while the murder mystery aspect of the script is serviceable it's quite dull so don't expect anything like The Silence of the Lambs (1991) or Se7en (1995) or even Halloween (1978) or Friday the 13th (1980) for that matter. 100 Tears lumbers from one dry exposition scene to another as the two reporters get lucky, where are the police the whole time? Why didn't they figure it out as well? Who called Christine to inform her about the missing men? Why weren't the police told? Why did Gurdy the Clown turn up at Drago's caravan? Why did it take him twenty years? The twist at the end is difficult to take seriously, if I found out my father was a psychopathic serial killer I wouldn't just join in & start murdering people as well. Why did she turn? Why did she not kill anyone before? At an hour & a half 100 Tears is maybe ten minutes too long, scenes do drag & although a fairly serious film there's a bizarre moment in which Christine & Mark chase a dwarf in comical fashion that looks like it belongs in a Benny Hill show (anyone in the UK will know who Benny Hill is).The one area where 100 Tears does get things right is with the blood, gore & violence. 100 Tears is very gory & the special make-up effects are surprisingly good with nice thick red blood rather than blood that looks like coloured water. People's heads are chopped off, people's feet, legs & arms are chopped off, people are sliced in half, intestines flop out, huge amounts of blood splatters everywhere, an eyeball is removed, heads are bashed in, throats are slit, heads are sliced vertically in half, faces are cut to pieces someone is run over & splatters everywhere as they are crushed. There is lots of good looking gore here but budget problems rear their head again as there's no build-up to them, a person enters the screen & then about two seconds later they are killed with no tension or suspense or build-up. The killer Gurdy the Clown never says anything during the film but is a decent enough villain, all I want to know is where do you buy one of those huge over-sized meat clever's? I want one.With a supposed budget of about $75,000 which is about as low as they come 100 Tears was filmed in Florida & is technically a bit rough around the edges. People talk in hallways so there's this annoying echo, background sounds like traffic or trains distort dialogue & there are virtually no close-ups. Almost everything seems to have been shot on one camera in one take with a wide angle, it makes for a dull & uneven looking film. The gore scenes fare much better & you can tell that's where the money & effort went. The acting is OK, it's not as bad as I was expecting anyway.100 Tears is a really low budget slasher film with lots of gore, to my eyes all the money & effort went on the gore (not a bad thing in itself) with the plot & everything else taking a back seat. Although shot on video & rough around the edges 100 tears isn't too bad & if your looking for gore then this is worth a rental at least& if nothing else 100 Tears teaches us that looking both ways before crossing the street is important...
ichocolat This film is like wine, it is an acquired taste. Whilst some people may like it, others may not.This film is also not meant for the broad public. It is targeted. In my opinion, only those who like gore/slasher flicks would like this film. Others,, don't even bother.I am not terribly enthusiastic about gore/slasher flicks, I didn't like this film that much. Plus the progress is rather slow and it got me restless halfway through the film.Again, as I said, only watch this if your a die-hard, super fan of this kind of genre. Otherwise, find other films instead.
dschmeding This is a pretty average horror/slasher movie. I grant the makers they squeezed in a lot of kills and especially fans of decapitations and guts will like it. The movie is about a serial killer in a clowns outfit who slashes people by the dozen with his hack-axe. Two detectives are on the hunt for the "teardrop killer" who leaves bloody tears behind on the murder scenes and got a back story they slowly unfold. Its like two plots running along each other... Clown slashes people with some entertaining ideas (liked the wheelchair down the stairs shot) and the detectives uncover the story with real bad acting. Basically the movie should have concentrated on the gore because this is where its strong side lies... the acting is real bad, the music is annoying (always the same hardcore techno over the kills and one music sounds a lot like being taken directly out of Hellraiser). The pseudo plot will bore the gore hounds to death and especially fails of bad acting and inconsistency. "100 tears" is rather for the trash/splatter fans but I guess because the director couldn't decide which way to go this one will soon be forgotten. And BTW... the closing scene sucks and like in many movies made me think they didn't know how to get out of their scripts mess.