17 Again

2009 "Who says you're only young once?"
6.4| 1h42m| PG-13| en

On the brink of a midlife crisis, 30-something Mike O'Donnell wishes he could have a "do-over." And that's exactly what he gets when he wakes up one morning to find he's 17 years old again. With his adult mind stuck inside the body of a teenager, Mike actually has the chance to reverse some decisions he wishes he'd never made. But maybe they weren't so bad after all.


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Wordiezett So much average
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
julieblosser Take this movie for what it is. It's just plain cute. And as usual the sidekick (Ned) makes the movie. Watching him is enough to be amused and entertained.
Roberta Parry I bought this at a charity sale where dvds were 50p each or 3 for £1. This was the 3rd, so it was essentially free and I thought it might be fun to take to a wine-and-takeaway night. This isn't a great film, and it's not a film that will stand the test of time, but it was notably hard to mock, and if 3 drunk 20- somethings can't find much to laugh at in a film like this then the good must outweigh the bad. I feel like this would be a standard film that I would never even have noticed if it wasn't for the inclusion of Efron in the post-HSM phase. I bet most HSM fans didn't even enjoy it, because it definitely seems like it wasn't aimed at them. If it wasn't for the creepy Disney movies (HSM, camp rock, they are all hilarious for all the wrong reasons) I would never have looked down on this film. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I shouldn't have. It's not a standard romcom because it managed to find a new twist on the genre, which should be lauded. And it's not just a vehicle for Efron, which is a bonus. Maybe 7/10 is too high, maybe it's just a reaction to the fact I expected it to be truly godawful. But most dvds get watched once and then returned to the exact same stall that I got them from, and this one didn't.
tbay15 I loved this movie, it reminded me of "Vice Versa", "16 Again", etc... I love movies with a magical quality to them. This movie has Zac Efron and Matthew Perry, a perfect combination. It has a family quality to the movie. I love how Zac Efron playing the younger Mike is sweet but tries to keep his daughter from making a big mistake. I also like how they play the angle with the mother/wife without being grossed out. It teaches us that sometimes what we think we might would like to change, it's always more correct if given the opportunity to change. My favorite part is when he tries to romance the wife/mother, but she thinks it's her daughter friend. Also, the best friend is a funny in this movie, he takes it to an extreme with some of his hi-jinx. I would recommend this movie.
Davis P This movie was soooo UNfunny in every single scene. This is supposed to be a comedy, let me just tell you it wasn't!! Can't believe this film got 55 out of 100 on Rotten Tomatoes! It deserves a lot lower! Personally, not a huge Zac Efron fan, didn't think he did a very good job in the movie. I didn't laugh once!! I was so bored, and I wanted the movie to end a lot sooner than when it finally did! I just think there are a lot better comedies to watch and actually laugh at out there. This movie was a huge disappointment to me, and I'm sure it also disappointed others that saw it! Overall I'll give 17 again a 2/10, seriously you can do better than this mediocre "comedy" movie.