18 Fingers of Death!

3.2| 1h27m| en

The "buzz" in Hollywood is that, "18 FINGERS OF DEATH!" will kick the butt out of the low budget martial arts movies genre and knocks us down to the ground laughing! This funny "sockumentart" of the world of Chop sockey, kung fooey, ninja poo poo, karate kidding croutching tiger stuff takes you on the journey of making martial arts movies at it's lowest.


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Twilightfa Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Blake Rivera If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Ippiki_Ookami This is one of those movies where the title does not give much information about the movie. I picked this up because the title seemed inane. I absolutely fell in love with the movie. I loved this movie from start to finish. Every once in a while, you need to watch a stupid movie just for the heck of it. This fits the bill. The Flatulence scene is one of the peak moments in this movie. I had to replay the scene two to three times just to catch it all because of how hard I was laughing. In fact, each time I watch this movie I repeat that scene several times, for the fact that laughing so hard I miss things, and because of how hilarious it is in the first place. This is a must view, if you love inane movies, or just need to relax!
y2john I went into seeing this with no idea of the concept & no notion of what I would be watching.It was 4 house-mates & friends, along with myself. Total 5 people, all with vastly differing movie tastes to say the least. However there is one thing were were all unified on for once, it took us less than 30 minutes to decide to turn this movie off & save what few braincells we had that either thankfully slept thru this torture or didn't succeed at committing suicide in a rage against me for forcing them to acknowledge this trash.Since I cant submit a rating of 0 for the movie, I was forced to give it a rating of 1, which in my opinion is 2 more than it deserves.Save yourself the time wasted & the mental anguish & AVOID this movie!
kin-go This movie was so horrible I could barely even watch it all. I do not recommend this movie at all. The plot was horrible and the acting was just as bad. I really think they could have put more much needed time and effort into this movie. I think that if it was more of a movie and less of a documentary it would have gotten a better review from me. I seriously think this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life. I try to watch movies that are not popular just to see what they are like, and most of them are not so great but this one was truly horrible. 1 out of 10.-
babytiger1 I really, really wanted to enjoy this movie but it just didn't seem to gel. A movie spoof is supposed to be funny, not make you sorry for the people appearing in it. Not to mention sorry for the people who financed it because you pray they can somehow make their money back and yet you know they probably won't. A movie lives and dies by it's script and for a comedy spoof this just wasn't very funny at all. And I agree with the 2 other people who said the "fart fight" featuring Lorenzo Lamas was the definite low point. Flatulence on film was funny when Mel Brooks did it in the classic "Blazing Saddles" but that was a long, long time ago. And how disappointing to see a film with the smoking hot Robin Shou and veteran Don "The Dragon" Wilson and neither one of them fights?? Just much too brief cameos for both, truly a shame. Might have helped things a bit here, at least there would have been some great fighting to make up for the lack of great comedy.

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