21 Days

2014 "There are some places so dark, so evil, where no human no living thing should dwell..."
4.3| 1h29m| en

Three filmmakers embark on a paranormal challenge by barricading themselves in a house so haunted, no one has been able to live in for more than 21 days.


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Also starring Max Hambleton


BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Hayleigh Joseph This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
esabeillap Why this film can get many award when i feel it not wort it. this film just an ordinary film if compare with other film??
harrier-kb If it wasn't for the three pretty young faces filling the screen, there would be nothing salvagable at all about this film. Terrible over-acting, along with shoddy dialogue and a propensity for profanity from the main character seem to the be the only strengths to this piece.It feels like the producers were aiming for a Blair Witch meets Paranormal Activity product, but in the end they fell woefully short of either benchmark. There were quite literally no scares, and nothing at all to make you feel any sort of compassion for the characters.The sole redeeming quality of this film was the inclusion of Whitney Rose Pynn, who at least brought some real emotion to the story.But as has been stated in other reviews, as is the case with all of these found-footage films, in the end the whole mess degenerates into a cacophony of shaking images, screaming voices layered over one another, and nothing you can really see to tell you what is actually happening.High time for the found footage craze to be over. This should be the nail in that coffin.
stephenw-30180 It's incredible to me that people keep putting up money to make films that have been made 100 times over the past 15 years since the Blair Witch Project. The originality and extremely low budget and high grossing revenue of that film has spawned so many pieces of crap that people keep pumping these films out like link sausages.The plot and style of 21 days is no different then any other film of its kind....it seems, anyone with a camera and a slightly different take on hauntings and morbid curiosity to debunk ghost stories has a plot and with a few bucks, make a film. Unfortunately, we, the horror genre fan has to sit through an average of 80-90 minutes of the same Drek!We keep on getting suckered into watching films that have no originality or narrative value and we find the same story told over and over again just dressed up differently.Acting mediocre, lighting horrible, originality....none!I think I'll use my hand held and get my buddy who is a sound expert and works as a freelancer and find an old barn and write a script in a day and try and make a million dollars.Please, someone, make a good found footage or self shot horror film worth watching. I paid nothing to see this film and still feel I was ripped off!Flat out crap!!
Leofwine_draca 21 DAYS is a straight-up copy of PARANORMAL ACTIVITY, set in your normal suburban home haunted by spirits unknown. A trio of characters decide to set up various cameras to capture any phenomena that occurs, and the story takes place over three weeks (go figure). That's all there is to it. The video quality is perhaps too bright and high quality, robbing the movie of atmosphere, and the acting is quite unconvincing which robs the film of its realism. In the end, the scares are diluted and the sense of familiarity that pervades the film makes it a chore to sit through.