Memorable, crazy movie
Better Late Then Never
I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Keeley Coleman
The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
There are two reasons why I did not give a 1 to this movie. One reason are some of the actors (like Malcolm McDowell and Gwynyth Walsh) work, who tried to play at their usually good level of acting. However at many scenes they were somehow blocked by the bad scripting.The other reason is the cool idea and looking of the Cyborg, which is quite different to most other such roles I've seen so far.Everything else in this movie is as bad as it can be. Boring scenes, useless and boring dialogs, bad script work. And it seemed as it was the first movie ever for many actors. It could have been an interesting story though, but they failed completely.
The Deadly Wake is THE PERFECT MOVIE for film students... to learn how NOT to make a film!Let's see... what did the crew mess up in this flick? Worst music mix Worst editing Worst script WORST ALL-TIME DIRECTING Worst acting Worst choreography Worst cinematography Worst props Worst sets Worst lighting Etc. Let's face it, if this "film" had been in ultra-high contrast black-and-white, AND silent... it still would have been awful. All scenes are dark (lighting people call it "black"), often, the music score drowned out the meandering dialogs, which was OK because nobody ever spoke two whole sentences without long pauses for effect. The "evil" robot was hilarious... what was that? Jazz dancing? Oh... I guess it was supposed to be walking tactically or something. I'm sure it struck fear into the hearts... of the poor editors. And, how do you edit so much footage of garbage? Not possible. Garbage is garbage, no matter how you splice it. How did anyone ever get this thru the dailys???Bottom line is- I couldn't stand to watch more than 15-minute segments, it was so bad... but I did see the whole thing (with lotsa breaks) just to see if it had ANY good parts in it at all. NOPE! NONE!A perfect example of how not to make a flick... a must see for EVERY serious film student!!!
This is not a bad movie. It might superficially appear to be so but it does have its heart in the right place. The wanted to make a good movie but I presume the budget and other distractions likely caused things not to go according to plan entirely. The plot is nothing new, but it is somewhat idealistic which does make it worth watching. The cast is typical B-grade Sci-Fi (Mike Pare!) and is passable. There were unusual touches such as the virtual fantasy scene with Cora and the Cyberkillingmachine (tm) not to mention that the Cyberkiller was played by a trained dancer which gave it a rather odd feel. All in all it was 2 hours well spent.
Big Dave-2
Malcolm McDowell has not had too many good movies lately and this is no different. Especially designed for people who like Yellow filters on their movies.