3 Days Gone

3.5| 1h32m| en

Lucas Snow was buried alive and has lost 3 days of his life. His best friend is murdered and the two top crime bosses are hunting him down as well as the police. Will he find out who set him up?


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Inadvands Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Fulke Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Bredden34 In 2 words Cowboy Jack The film is well written and shot. The film lacks direction. The acting is hit and miss but the ones that hit really crush it. (Charles Wesley, Michelle Stafford, Patrick Adams) It seems that in the world of STUDIO FILMS that one does tend to miss a gem and 3 Days Gone is a gem. Locations were really good and the Production Value is as good as I have seen for this type of genre. Cowboy Jack Take the extra few quid that might fill your pockets and but this film and you will come back to this review and thank me. TRAFFIC and TRUE ROMANCE are the 2 films that come to mind but it seems to be more complex than both of those films. I had to watch it twice in that I figure out the endings usually at the half-way point in almost every film that I watch. Cowboy Jack And in case you are wondering about Cowboy Jack, he seems to find the Umphhh in Cheeky. Gary Oldman has this in TRUE ROMANCE and many other roles. This Charles Wesley probably has to be a STAR that has not shown it's light or he must be Cowboy Jack in person. Regardless, I want one for Christmas!
Fridger Boom Boom Pow! The story is really good and in fact this is as good as any films that I have seen in the last 5 years. 3 Days Gone is a great film for people like me that do try to know what the ending will be and also want to be surprised. This film does not disappoint the audience as many others do today. Smart characters are what hold the film together in this twisting and turning thriller. Some characters are good and then there is THE CHARACTER "COWBOY JACK" If you have to imagine what a Bad guy is that you hate and love at the same time, this is your man. Highs and lows run their course throughout the film but when you see Jack, your heart begins to race. Without spoiling this cool film, I will say that you must see this movie if for no other reason but Cowboy Jack. Yes, there are hot women and there are action scenes that are different and super sneaky. The camera work was exceptionally good. The Directing should have been stronger but most of the characters hold you close to the film and make the ride a roller coaster full of extreme speed and hard turns.
capps3 Wow! In a word it was really a WoW kind of film! It is one of those kinds of films that you think that you can figure it out but you can't. The film takes turns and twists that you never expect and that keeps you glued to the story. I like the Cowboy Jack character and I want to see him again. ( maybe at my house ) This is a must see if you like action and mystery without all the BS special effects. A really exciting drama/mystery/suspense film that I will also buy. The cast was really strong and I loved the locations. This is a film that makes you wonder why the studio system cannot put films like this on the big screen. It takes good writing like 3 Days Gone to give the over budget Studio Crap films that special kick in the pants that will allow them to do better. The film 3 Days Gone should be seen by everyone that likes good movie making. The writers should be acknowledged as the cutting edge story tellers of today. Bravo!
lil_zaien Saw this movie by chance on Amazon. I had seen the ads for this movie over the weekend and decided to check it out. I was not disappointed. It was a breath of fresh air in the action genre when all you see nowadays are sequels and uninspired movies. Man am I glad to see Charles Wesley back to work as it has been far to long for him to be out of movies. He is quite possible this generation of actors most underrated stars. Anybody that has seen a movie with I'm in it will agree that his acting skill is underrated. Now on to the movie... From the beginning action sequence (which ends in cop-dog convo) to the end when you see the everybody getting away without anybody ever really knowing their true identities, you will be impressed with the direction this movie has taken. I can easily say that this movie is of the same caliber as "All Saints Day" which is at theaters now.