4 for Texas

1963 "The far out story of the far west"
5.5| 2h4m| NR| en

In the 1870s, two rival businessmen, Zack Thomas and Joe Jarrett, on a stagecoach heading to Galveston, Texas, must pull together to protect $100,000 from an outlaw named Matson. Once in Galveston, however, their rivalry continues, as Thomas joins up with Elya Carlson and Jarret with Maxine Richter. But Matson is still on the loose, and a scheming banker threatens both Thomas and Jarrett.


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GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
RanchoTuVu Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin compete for control over the lucrative gambling business in post-Civil War Galveston while crooked banker Victor Buono employs villainous killer Charles Bronson to eliminate both Frank and Dino in order to run the town himself. Buono is pretty fun to watch as he makes himself a sandwich and tries to contain Bronson. 4 For Texas qualifies as a western because the title includes the word "Texas", but it looks pretty southern with wharves and riverboats in a lot of the outdoor scenes that give the movie a certain amount of regional authenticity which is kind of interesting to watch just on its own merits. In fact you could pretty much dismiss the plot and focus on the film's cool imagery and one of its stars, Ursula Andress, of whom there is what looks like a nude portrait that hangs behind the bar in Dino's riverboat establishment. As a comedy this falls mostly flat. Even the Three Stooges part is not up to their usual high standards, but as entertainment, you could do worse.
JasparLamarCrabb Not really a rat pack movie, but close enough. Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin are rival gamblers vying for possession of a riverboat gambling joint. It's a funny, smörgåsbord type of comic western with Sinatra & Martin in top form, supported by the likes of Victor Buono, Mike Mazurki and Charles Bronson. They're all great and Bronson gets plenty of laughs sending up his steely tough-as-nails persona; he's a real thorn in Sinatra's side. Buono is fun as a thoroughly corrupt bank manager. The very large supporting cast also includes Jack Elam, Ellen Corby, Nick Dennis as Angel and Dave Willock (you'll likely recognize the voice). The Three Stooges pop up briefly for a reasonably funny bit. Ursula Andress and Anita Ekberg provide love interests for Martin & Sinatra respectively. The great music score is by Nelson Riddle. The unexpected director is Robert Aldrich, who sandwiched this film in between his two grand guignol masterpieces WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? and HUSH HUSH SWEET CHARLOTTE.
Asxetos Plot: A $100.000 shipment and later a bid about opening a waterfront Casino are the objects of a tug-of-war between Zack Thomas and Joe Jarrett. Apart from having to deal with each other, they'll have to defend their selves against a Banker and the bad guy of the story, Matson.I'm not a fan of Westerns, especially not the comedy-oriented ones. However I'm one of these masochistic try-it-out-before-judging kind of morons… so… after trying out some of the more "serious" and classic ones I figured, eh! What the heck! Let me try this out too. Boy was I wrong. Why? Because this is one of these movies where EVERYTHING is wrong. From the pacing and acting to the directory and overall plot… it's rubbish.Four For Texas is obviously an attempt of selling a couple of million tickets with the use of the very popular Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin who suck big time. They don't just suck as western characters but also as comedians. The film is simply not funny and these guys are simply bad actors, (I smell fanboy\girl anger in the air). For example the first part of the film. Bullets are flying all around yet Sinatra has a stupid grin on his face as if he is posing for a Las Vegas Show. The same with Dean Martin, he is always cool no matter what and in a very unconvincing way.Not only is the movie way too slow for what it has to offer but there is also no real suspense or plot twists. Characters talk, talk and talk… sometimes they throw in a couple of supposedly funny lines and the main girls, (Ekberg and Andress), look like goddesses of love but they don't offer anything else but simplistic sex appeal with seducing slow walking, deep cleavages and stupid one liners that are supposed to be sexy.FINAL VERDICT: Only for Sinatra\Martin\Ekberg\Andress fanboys & fangirls (1/10)[+] Err… Ekberg's cleavage maybe??? [-] Boring plot. Slow and not funny at all. Mediocre acting.Also Check: Cat Ballou (1965) – Maverick (1994) – Ocean's Eleven (1960)
Tim Kidner I like a good western and when this came up on TV and I read the reviews, I was wondering whether I should bother.Eventually the cast list swayed me to, though I'm generally not a fan of Dean Martin or Frank Sinatra. Charles Bronson, Anita Eckberg and Ursula Andress attracted me as well as wondering where and how the Three Stooges might make their mark. Robert Aldrich, director of the Dirty Dozen might at least add some pedigree in that department.As the other few reviews have pointed out in some detail, the opening sequence is a classic, quality suspenseful one, with Sinatra and Bronson sharing a shoot-out over the $100,000 haul. Unfortunately the film moves into the studio and outdoor scenes are both flimsy and rare, with the comedy generally sped-up punch-ups to quickened music. The blonde beauties are often accompanied by raunchy, strip-club type of music that both cheapens them and also the movie.There's a story about a paddle-steamer in there somewhere, but by that time I couldn't care what happened to it or to whoever was aboard. Frankly, I was on the verge of giving up on the film entirely at 90mins but I guess laziness forced me to let it play on.I cannot recommend this film. Even if you are a fan of any of its key actors it's just not worth the drudge to see them perform below par and with an even worse script.