Truly Dreadful Film
This is How Movies Should Be Made
After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Brennan Camacho
Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
Arlis Fuson
This is one of those movies that accidentally slipped through my hands and went unnoticed...don't let it happen to you..It is a great gem.I first got this back around 94 on VHS and the quality was horrible so I didn't watch it, then a few years back I got it in a dollar bin on DVD and didn't really want to see it, it was a dollar movie and I am a collector so I just tossed it in my shelf and it went unnoticed.So tonight I finally viewed it and was so happy I did, it's one of the funnest films I have set thru in ages. It's story is pretty simple about 7 kids who accidentally get a diamond and have to return it to the woman it belongs to, all the while being chased by kung fu gangsters.This movie had me laughing so much, its slapstick kids stuff, but its funny, but the movie is not for kids at all. It is very violent and has great action scenes and death and sexual references and a lot of mild language.I have researched and cannot find out anything about this movie, even dear ole IMDb doesn't have any info on it. It says here its made in 1989 but it looks like a much older movie, but because of things mentioned in the movie I know it did in fact come out in the late 80's.It rips off a lot of other films and pays homage to many others. The opening scene of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is copied here, where the gem is exchanged and then lost on the floor and kicked around and ultimately ends up mixed with chunks of ice making it hard to find. That scene was copied in detail here. There are references to James Bond films and several other films like Rambo and Rocky. One of the kids names is in fact Rocky but claims his friends in America calls him Rambo. Another of the kids wears a yellow jump suit like worn in Enter The dragon and later worn by the Bride in Kill Bill.I am sure they didn't get clearance on the music for this film either. It uses the theme music by John Carpenter from his Halloween movie, it uses The Survivor song "Burning Heart' from the Rocky IV soundtrack. It also uses pop songs like Stevie Wonder's "I Just Called To Say I Love You" and "I'm Your Man" by Wham!. The theme song from this movie was original as far as I know but if you listen closely, you might agree it sounds so much like its ripping off Madonna's "Like A Virgin".The most amazing thing about this movie aside from its one liners and laughs on top of laughs would have to be the acting. These kids were amazing. The fights were actually top notch greatness and the kids did their own stunts, They were thrown through windows and tossed across the room and no camera changes happen you can tell these kids went through hell and really got hurt.Why this movie isn't popular is a mystery to me, I loved it and would recommend it to anyone who likes comedies and especially anyone who likes martial arts films, they may be kids but the action is not cheesy or childish garbage, its great.This movie is easy to find on DVD in the dollar bin and if you see it, pick it up and watch it.
I must have watched this movie literally 100 times or more when I was 12. Haven't seen it since, but I remember thinking that it was amusing, if a bit over the top, and it had all the standard elements of the Kung-Fu movie stereotypes: cardboard box fights in warehouses, people flying through glass plates, etc. I was obsessed with ninjas at the time, and had a crush on the girl ninja kid. I also liked the kids' fashion sense and wanted to dress like them. What does this have to do with the movie? Nothing. Just saying. Anyway, it's a decent movie, not anywhere near being the worst ever made, like someone else here has said. It might be fun if you happen to find it somewhere.
You'll only enjoy this film if you view it for what it is, which is a silly slapstick comedic version of the typical Asian kung-fu movie. Think the Three Stooges meets the Power Rangers meets the Japanese Godzilla films to get an idea of what this movie's style feels like. The poor picture quality, poor dubbing, etc. that others mentioned I actually find adds to the parody effect. Like others have mentioned, this is not a kids' movie as kids may not appreciate or understand the slapstick nature of the film. This is more appropriate for adults nostalgic for cheesy B-movie fare, particularly if you grew up on silly '60s/'70s style kung-fu movies. Just don't take this too seriously or treat it like a "real" movie with a plot that follows a logical or realistic progression.
If you've ever said to yourself, "Gee, I've always wanted a Hong-Kong-produced kung-fu flick with untalented actors, illegally-used music tracks, and poor dubbing", then this film is for you. Beginning with an opening song or sorts, which seems to be based on the Madonna's hit song "Like a Virgin", accompanied by a montage of ninja kid fighting scenes. But wait! this video gets even worse. The voice-over actors sound like rejects from a Saturday-morning cartoon, and the plot is about as deep and as an average episode of "Full House". Suitable only for MST3k-style viewing.