To me, this movie is perfection.
It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Roman Sampson
One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Something like this might not look original now, but back when it was released it was probably refreshing and innovative. An army cameraman (code-name Charlie MoPic) films a small recon platoon to record the procedures of combat situations in the jungles of Vietnam. Think of its low-budget (and it shows) and especially competing with Vietnam war films of the late 80s like "Platoon", "Full Metal Jacket" and "Hamburger Hill". Looking for a different angle to set it apart
which I don't know how successful it was, as I only heard of the film for the first time a couple months back. It does remind me of the TV show "Tour of Duty", which if I remember correctly had an episode using this concept. Still "84 Charlie MoPic" is quite a personal, gut-wrenching and gritty look into the exploits on the front-line. It doesn't shy away either, giving the characters plenty of time to bond and open up with their differing perspectives. It's driven by its dialogues/characters, as it's in the details, commonplace but realistic. Sometimes a little slow and meandering, but those looking for constant action will be hugely disappointed, as when it occurs its only minor and the Viet Cong are kept mainly unseen, but it does have impact because we feel every inch of pain, discomfort and disorientation the soldiers encountered. This is where the intensity arrives from; the chemistry and respect between the men. That when they start getting picked off in quick concession, the intimate styling crafted gave it a more grounded sense that played to its strengths. It's primal, instinctive, as their combat training makes little headway in their quest for survival. There are no rules in this war, where danger is always there. The performances are raw, but believable and well-delivered by a bunch of no names. The low-scale handling gives it an organic, but tight and humid touch Written and directed by Patrick Luncan, he makes good use of the one idea concept and lets it flow accordingly to achieve maximum effect.
God! The dialog is awful! Truly terrible!It doesn't feel real, which is the first and last nail in the coffin for a "found-footage" kind of movie. All the characters are badly written. The things they do, like smoke cigarettes while in the jungle on LRRP- which would give any enemy close by notice they were there, are stupid.There is not a single character you care about. The ending is crap, and is just annoying.5 Minutes in and you are begging for these clichéd, awful characters to trip a huge mine and blow everyone to pieces.Badly written. Badly directed. Badly acted.S**t.
As I recall, this was one of those movies that probably deserved a great deal more exposure than what it really got. It's timing was unfortunate. It came along on the heels of "Platoon" and "Full Metal Jacket" and even "Good Morning, Vietnam," so the various views of the Vietnam conflict had largely been done to death in the space of a few years and by much higher profile and higher budget filmmakers. The U.S. went from ignoring the conflict to a nationwide confession of guilt in the space of a year or so. Anyway, this was a good effort. It's low budget, but worthwhile, and, as the previous poster noted, the technique was the "first person" sort used in "Blair Witch" but done many years before that movie ever appeared.
Much of the credit for the genuine feel of this film should go to two former Marines who had "been there, done that": Russ Thurman and Dale Dye. Dye's method of running the actors through a mini-boot camp helps raise this film to the level of "Platoon" and "Saving Private Ryan", his more widely-known achievements. Seen largely through the eyes (or lens) of the handheld camera of the mostly-unseen "Mopic", it gives viewers a different perspective on bonding that happens when men put their lives into each other's hands almost daily. Its ring of truth comes from endless tiny details that only former grunts would ever notice. When someone asks this former Marine which are the best Viet Nam films, "84 Charlie MoPic" and "The Odd Angry Shot" are at the top of a very short list.