8th Wonderland

2008 "How to fight a country that doesn't exist?"
6.1| 1h34m| en

A website where people can virtually live in a true democracy becomes so popular that its leading members take questionable actions to improve the real world as well. This backfires and various governments brand them terrorists.


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Also starring Robert William Bradford


Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
dreirad From what I had heard and seen, I was expecting a good idea wrapped in low production values ruined by poor acting and realisation. I was more than pleasantly surprised. The film was so well told and the story so engaging that the low production values didn't matter. The acting was good enough to not distract me from the story. I wasn't bored once, it was a compelling and entertaining experience.People here complain the discussions were tiring. Ever been to a grass-roots democratic plenum where a bunch of people tried to come to a decision by talking about it? Those real-life discussions are tiring, really tiring. Compared to them, the discussions in the movie are breezy while still very true to what grass-roots democracy can sound and feel like.Yes, certain elements of the story may seem naive or simplistic. And yes, it's a very talkative movie. If you are easily annoyed or bored by lots of talking, than this is probably not the movie for you.I would really recommend it to everyone else though for its unique idea and storytelling.
RedOne82 I never wrote a comment on IMDb, but at this time i have the responsibility to warn everyone from watching this crap. I really have seen a lot of bad movies in my life, but this movie is the worst i have ever seen. The dialogs are unsubstantial, the "special effects" look like they were made by a 10 year old boy with magix video deluxe and the story....there is no story! It's like they filmed a lot of crap, throw the dice and put it all together. Before you go and watch this movie think about watching the whole IMDb bottom 100. I thinks thats the better idea!I leaved the movie after 30 minutes.....I WANT MY 30 MINUTES BACK!!!
marekmcmanus I too was one of the unfortunate few people who had to suffer through this "movie", during a sneak preview night. Well at least the first 30-45 minutes of it, because that was when me and my mate left.I just can comment on the production value and the crafting, because until the moment I left I still had no idea what was going on in this movie. I only learned what it was actually about after skimming through the plot on the internet. Apparently some intellectuals try to make the world a better place. Watching the first 30 minutes it never occurred to me, that I was watching a bunch of intellectuals. It looked more like a bunch of students and stereotype bad guys. None of the actors left any impression what so ever on me or stood out. They all seemed pretty generic and replaceable.The production value appeared to be pretty low in general. Some scenes looked like they were shot in the actual living rooms of the "actors". Whole scenes looked like they were taken directly from youtube. At least they had the look and feel of some youtube videos. Some scenes were set in some kind of fancy chat room, that looked like an out-of-box after effects effect. In those scenes all they chat room participants were projected in a circle of screens, surrounded by some matrix-esqe code bits flying by. Compared to the broader spectrum of films those effects were pretty bad, but in this movie they actually looked neat compared to the rest.Do yourself a favor and skip this movie.
dralla-1 I hope many people go see this movie. Because: A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved. If this movie was written by a five year old and made by a bunch of high-school kids, then it is OK. But I don't think that is the case. I can't tell you much about the movie, because I have seen only 30 minutes of it, but so have many people in the audience. After 20 minutes of this I have been betting with my friend that people would soon start to leave. But nobody moved. And since we were in the middle of a big packed theater I didn't want to be the first one to stand up. 10 minutes later my prayers were answered and the first few started to stand up. Within a few minutes I think a quarter of the audience left the theater.So what is the problem: Well the idea doesn't sound too bad. SPOILER > A group of people want to change the world and try to force it into changing the way they think by various acts of terrorism. So far so movie-realistic. But why are they people like: a model? (who has the time to join live-chat-conferences with the rest of the group during a runway presentation when she is supposed to change) a guy who is going to college to become a doctor and his fiancée. A Muslim girl who lives with her dad. And so on. How do these people find the time to organize crimes that involve abducting three of the best football players without getting caught? < SPOILER Never mind, I agree that it only takes great minds and determination to do all that. But the people of that group seem like they are hardly able to use the computers that connect them to one another. And then they go on discussing their aims and their beliefs in discussions that seem to last for half an hour, which can't be true because I have only seen half an hour of this school-production and there were at least two discussions. And also there is some really bad acting. Most actors did well, but two were so bad that I didn't know if they were supposed to be drugged and hysteric or simply annoyingly bad. There is nothing more I want to say about this. Only that I really like movies and up to this point there were only two movies I haven't watched till the end, both of them because the people I was with didn't want to stay until the end. But this one is the first I walked out on. I did have the thought with a few movies but I never actually did it. And with this one it took me only half an hour. Once again: if the filmmakers are under 18 years old I apologize if not: see above.

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