
1989 "Revenge is on the line."
5.1| 1h32m| R| en

A bullied unpopular high school student named Hoax finds an ad for 976-EVIL, a number that provides daily 'horrorscopes'. But when he calls the number he gains demonic powers, which he uses to seek vengeance against those who bullied him.


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Spoonixel Amateur movie with Big budget
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Tango and Cash I was really looking forward to this one! I've been renting cheesy 80s movies on iTunes lately and thought, "Hey, why not try this one." Looked kinda cool, but it was really dumb. The idea is good, but the execution wasn't.So why does the Fright Night kid get turned into the monster? Why not the motorcycle guy? They both called the same number.I watched this movie less than a week ago but I can barely remember what I was going to write about it. There was too much build up and little delivery, that was one thing. I'm not sure if I can't stand the Fright Night kid or if I'm okay with him. He smiles in every scene, it's pretty annoying. Same thing in Fright Night too, just smilin' away, havin fun. He turns into a monster in Fright Night too, which I just now remembered.Anyway, bottom line - dumb movie, I would say only aficionados of 80s garbage would want to spend time on this one. I would NOT say it's so bad it's good, I would just say it's bad.Peace!
Finfrosk86 It is no masterpiece, but it has it's qualities. A little unevenly paced perhaps, but all in all a pretty decent watch. It has a scene with a line that is really cool.. that was memorable. Not that I'll spoil what it is, tho.What I really like about it, and generally like about older horror movies, well, at least from the 80's and 90's, is that todays horror movies are most often about some crazy dude torturing and killing, or ghosts, zombies or vampires, but back in the day, they were about stranger, more absurd things. Like monsters, or entities. Also, I like how some of them really takes off, as in get real crazy. They didn't always have the biggest budget, but they did what they could, with what they had. Yes, it's often campy, but I find it entertaining as hell.The fact that 976-EVIL is directed by Robert Englund (the original Freddy Krueger) makes it kind of worth watching all on it's own. (That's why I watched it)
Aaron1375 I watched this movie after years of really wanting to. Funny that I watch it now in an age where a number such as this is pretty outdated. I also am surprised to see that Robert Englund directed this one and I think he did okay as most of the problems I found with the film came more from the story and from the editing. The imagery is great and it has some okay acting as it is not stiff, the end has the killer getting a bit too cute with the one liners actually reminding one a bit of Freddy Krueger's lines in the Elm Street horror films.The story has a strange phone number that seems to predict things a bit too well being used by a dude named Spike; however, Spike soon stops using the number after nearly being killed by a runaway car. His cousin, though, finds the number and listens to it and heeds it and is soon transformed into a supernatural killer with the power to take revenge on all those that wronged him.The story is a bit rushed, we are introduced to Spike who finds the number and then quickly uses it. He has a girlfriend who seems integral to the plot, then cast away suddenly. There is a guy who is sort of a reporter that seems to be important, but at the same time he doesn't. A teacher who seems inconsequential becomes a main character at the end. Editing that made me wonder what was going on at times. Spike, who seems to be the main character, disappears just as his cousin begins his killing spree and does not reappear till the final showdown. Still, loved the imagery especially at the end as Hoax (the cousin) has some interesting powers. Hoax is played by Stephen Geoffreys, best known as Evil from Fright Night. He is pretty much the same character, just a bigger nerd this time around.The film had some good moments and I liked it somewhat. Just needed work (a running theme in most horrors). They needed to either establish that teacher and reporter more or simply do not have them at all. They could have had Spike try to dig for further evidence or something. The ending though has some nice kills and effects, but it also has some pretty bad one liners. It is as if they were trying to make Hoax sound like Freddy Krueger at the end with the puns and such. I am glad I finally saw this one though, because now I can watch 976-EVIL II as I have that one in a collection of DVDs. I caught this one on Encore.
oprlvr33 So this was the legendary Robert Englund's big directorial debut??? Hey, I LOVED him as iconic Freddy Kreuger, but as Director? I hope this was his only project.How some Reviewers could rate this even remotely above a 3-point is beyond me. Only due that Geoffreys plays the title role is the reason I sat through it all (should I have stated 'Suffered'?) waiting for it to improve. It didn't. The acting is terrible, the entire plot; below B-film quality, the action was lame and very slow (if you can describe it as such) and God-awful. Englund appears to give his characters absolutely nothing to work with; no depth whatsoever. And he portrayed Freddy Kreuger?! One would assume he'd have utilized his iconic expertise into this genre and produced a horror film even Krueger would have been proud.The poker scenes, especially near the end where the biker chick has a moment with Spike...I sure thought this was a HORROR FILM - because THAT was romance scene. So just where WAS the "horror"? Not ONE SCENE is remotely "scary". The entire special effects were special, and well beyond cheesy; poorly executed would be a better term. Either the producer was high that time or the graphics dept. was on break, recruiting a C-student apprentice.As said, Geoffreys plays the lead; but that's par the course. The character directions were weaker than last weeks coffee. The film altogether: Insufferable.We sat dumbfounded through most of this train-wreck. And here it apparently was an over-rated horror movie??? That film reviewer must have been on Quaalude's or something.Thank heavens Geoffreys and J.J. Cohen did other very excellent acting work.