Highly Overrated But Still Good
The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
The plot is not very intriguing. Another viewer mentioned The Firm. That plot was better. But the actors did a solid job. Peter Berg was very confident and Jennifer Grey was totally natural. I believed them.I also liked the slow build toward a climax, with just the right amount of tension coupled with sympathy. But the conclusion was too obvious.Nevertheless, I was never bored, and this was at least my second time viewing my VHS. I also liked the appearance of a large cell phone from 1992.Berg has an "everyman" quality about him and usually plays that to the hilt. Even in a lawyer's suit, you hear that he comes from less than nothing and you bond with his underdog status.Chicago looked good. The other actors seemed awkward. But they weren't given much to work with. The two leads fill the overwhelming majority of screen time.I recommend it. Don't expect an epic. Just sit back and enjoy.
U gotta love a flick that contains the line "Look Ma, Top of the World" and then a suicide. As noted in another post, the acting was decent, and while the plot while not as interesting as The Firm, it was interesting - and predictable. Only ya had to wish the entire firm here was behind it all, and not just one lone gunman behind the wall. It's very interesting to see the quality of made for TV movies improve over the years...this was 1993, and now look at what we get from HBO! Times have changed, and for the better. People who hated this film will like A House in Umbrio with Maggie Smith, another made for TV movie, but of the latter genre of quality.
Have you ever heard promising comments about a movie, watched the whole thing, and just kept hoping that it would get better. Then when it ends you are sitting there trying to figure out why you wasted your time? Well this movie is the perfect example of that scenario.
An interesting scenario, solid direction and capable acting combine in lifting this suspense film above the pack. Although the storyline abounds with melodramatic episodes leading to the solution of two murders, the editing provides a model of how to move a work towards its climax without becoming prey to incongruity. It is fair to say that this is one of the few attempts in cinema to utilize dialogue in a creative, i.e.aesthetic, fashion by having all of the major characters speak in a realistic syntax, utilizing restatement and repetition, as is customary with most of us. Intensity is heightened as well as interest developed for the players. Despite the film having obviously cost less than a pretty penny, director Duncan Gibbins derives fine performances for the actors by permitting them adequate camera time for displaying emotion. Peter Berg, Jennifer Grey and Belinda Bauer all prove their worth in their roles. With all of the filming in and about Chicago, production design and art direction were both appropriate. There is a nicely flexible score by composer Randy Miller. A CASE FOR MURDER is not a whodunit; it is grounded with solid filmmaking, requiring some attention by the viewer to determine the forces that move the principals.