A Chinese Torture Chamber Story

5.9| 1h33m| NR| en

A corrupt magistrate subjects a innocent young bride to inconceivable physical punishments after convicting her of killing her husband.


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Micransix Crappy film
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
ebiros2 To be very honest, I've watched this movie just to see Yvonne Ying Hung. It didn't matter what role she played. I think she was one of the outstanding star that can carry a lead role. She didn't disappoint here. She was beautiful, and even showed some skin. The movie is in the style of many Cat III movies of the early '90s. The bluish lighting that contrasts with the red clothing of the actresses, humor mixed with sex, and few odd twists to the story (this one is the torture angle). The extra bonus is that Wong Jin was the producer of this movie, putting in his extra spice of entertainment that made the movie a delight to watch.Loved the movie, and I wish Yvonne Yin Hung will come back to the screen even in a cameo role one day. This was also one of the better Cat III movies of the time too. Production quality is very high.For entertainment, this movie is highly recommended for viewing.
Ben I found this movie from the hilarious "kung fu porn" clip floating around the internet. So I was expecting more of the same, perhaps some sort of cliché kung fu background story with goofy wire-fu sex.Instead, it was a cliché story about adultery and wrongfully framed. It has torture, which I don't particularly care for, naked boobs, soft-core sex, and lots of mediocre story telling.There were some comedic moments that made me laugh, but really the highlight by far is still the wire-fu sex in the forest scene.I would classify this move as drama actually. I ended up fast-forwarding through some of the torture and drama scenes to get to the unsurprising ending.Mediocre movie.
EVOL666 A Chinese TORTURE CHAMBER STORY isn't a great film by any stretch, but it sure has some fun stuff going on... Long and short: a woman goes to work for a rich guy, the rich guy's wife gets jealous that her man is constantly eye-ballin' the hired help, and the wife decides to murder the servants husband and pin it on her husband and the servant-girl. The servant-girl's husband is known around town for having a big donkey-cock, and decides to slip an aphrodesiac in this poor cats medicine, causing his penis to explode (believe me, I couldn't make this sh!!t up if I tried...). Anyway, all goes according to plan until some of the other hired help rat the rich-guy's wife and her lover out. The torture scenes are relatively tame if your used to this sort of thing, and the sex scenes aren't explicit compared to porn - but there are some truly funny and original things going on in A Chinese TORTURE CHAMBER STORY. The aerial-acrobatic-kung-fu-sex-submission and the invisible-stalker-man-in-the-middle-blow-job scenes were worth the price of admission on this one (not to mention the exploding-penis-hand-job...). The whole film is handled pretty tongue-in-cheek, so the f'ed up subject matter is a little easier to "swallow"...Definitely worth a look - 8/10
Ky-D The title says it all.A woman is accused of the murder of her husband. In order to extract a confession the court subjects her to a series of violent methods of torture. Most of the story is told in flash backs, recounting how the story leads to the ultimate gory death of her poor husband (his penis explodes). Along the way we found out about sexual martial artists, lesbian frolicking, adultery, lost love, back stabbing and a very potent aphrodisiac.The torture scenes are appropriately brutal, but generally short. There is nudity aplenty and some sex, but it never gets excessively graphic. Also there is an odd unbalance of dead serious scenes and goof-ball humor; half the film is comedy. Genre fans familiar with exploitive flicks will likely find this a tad prodding and slow, all others will sit slack jawed muttering "what the hell..." It may be a little too violent for some viewers and not sexed-up enough for others, but those willing to take a shot might enjoy it. Maybe...5/10