A Chump at Oxford

1940 "Figuring out a grand time for you!"
7.2| 1h1m| NR| en

The boys get jobs as a butler and maid-- Stan in drag-- for a dinner party. When that ends in disaster, they resort to sweeping streets and accidentally capture a bank robber. The grateful bank president sends them to Oxford, at their request, and higher-education hijinks ensue.


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Diagonaldi Very well executed
TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Sammy-Jo Cervantes There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
JohnHowardReid Stan Laurel is the number one star in this Laurel and Hardy entry from producer, Hal Roach. Not only is Laurel the instigator of the plot, and not only does he have a champion share of the funny business in the hilariously daffy three-handed jape with the "ghost", but for the first of only two occasions in his entire sound career, he essays a character role. And he plays this one most effectively too! (The other occasion was his Don Sebastion in 1945's The Bullfighters). Lord Paddington is no mere impersonation, but a complete reversal of Laurel's customary character. Speaking in a splendidly snooty, upper-crust accent, Paddington puts the maladroit Hardy through some marvelous paces. Even his dialogue is urbanely droll and keenly condescending. He argues, for example, that Hardy's ineptitudes "break the monotony" and that Babe "helps fill up the room, you know." There was never a funnier or more perfectly attuned team than Laurel and Hardy. Even when the situation is more piquant than usual, both can rise to the occasion. For personality, charisma and sheer vitality, they leave all the other twosomes far behind. I can never forget Paddington instructing Fatty in the proper deportment of a valet: "Lift up that chin! Both of them!"; and Babe's final, wildly exasperated response: "And another thing: I didn't like that double chin crack either!" Now that's acting!
boland7214 Recommended highly! I don't know if this is "their best" film or not? But I would say it is at least a "must see" film of Laurel and Hardy. There are some very funny moments in it. I won't, like some others up here, "tell the story" or go into details. Spend the time watching the film instead of reading reviews about it! Your funny bone will appreciate it!!!Unless you are overly critical you will enjoy this romp! The version I saw was colorized. I do like colorization. Some people do not like it. But it is not an "either-or" issue. It is also on youtube in black and white as well as color. So it is your choice! I like choice don't you? "Colorization" is what I prefer--you may differ...no problem. Above all, you will have fun!!! boland7214 at aol
Lee Eisenberg This may be the only fine mess that Laurel and Hardy get themselves into that actually benefits them. After stopping a bank robber, they get sent to Oxford for a proper education, and a knock on the head makes Stan remember that he's actually Lord Paddington, an effete Brit who makes Ollie his servant.I think that my two favorite parts were the maze ghost, and the whole scene in the dean's room. Maybe "A Chump at Oxford" wasn't Laurel and Hardy's best movie ever, but it was still a hoot. It just goes to show that those guys were truly one of the classic comedy teams.Dizzy spells. Ha!
MartinHafer I saw this movie several times as a child and only recently I saw it again. I was pleasantly surprised how much I liked the movie and this surprised me, as this was completed as the pair's career was heading downhill. Shortly after making this movie, then Saps at Sea, they made the mistake of signing with 20th Century Fox and made a string of completely forgettable and unfortunate comedies (they simply deserved better material).The story is a takeoff on the MGM film A YANK AT OXFORD and so much of it parodies this film. Stan and Ollie accidentally help a rich guy and are rewarded by receiving an all expense paid admission to Oxford! Talk about being in the wrong element! The movie then moves at a very leisurely pace in their adventures trying to fit in to this fancy-schmancy school.It's not the best they did, but a nice well-worth seeing picture nonetheless. Another decent movie they did in this same period is Blockheads--it's well worth a look as well.