A Fist Full of Talons

1983 "Billy Chong is a one man army. Now he's got an air force."
6.3| 1h29m| en

Qing I-ming springs into action to help his friend, who runs into danger while trying to deliver important government documents.


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The Eternal Film (H.K.) Co.


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LastingAware The greatest movie ever!
Cortechba Overrated
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Leofwine_draca A FISTFUL OF TALONS is a star vehicle for Indonesian kung fu artist Billy Chong, who had a pretty good run in the cinema. This isn't one of his best movies, but it's a more than watchable revenge thriller and it has some good sets created effectively on a definite low budget. Once again a hotbed of political intrigue serves as a backdrop to the production and Chong plays a hot-headed young man with a hatred for the Ching, so he goes around chopping their long ponytails off! There's a plethora of bruising action here, alongside the requisite training sequences and the like. Other plot elements include Hwang In-shik who is great fun as the ruthless villain and Bai Ying as the love interest who keeps a menagerie of eagles as pets (hence the title). Cheng Kang-yeh (SNAKE IN THE MONKEY'S SHADOW) plays in support as one of Chong's friends. The climax is lively and entertaining, although unfortunately the film ends on a freeze-frame of animal cruelty which leaves a sour taste in the mouth.
winner55 Fistful of Talons is the best Billy Chong film I've yet seen. Chong was set out to become "the next Jackie Chan" of the chop-socky period; unfortunately, the chop-socky period came to a close just before he started making movies; thus the majority of his films (most which are actually quite enjoyable) did not accumulate to a box-office reputation for Chong, who soon became a TV producer.Like Jackie Chan at the end of his own chop-socky period, Chong usually plays a very cheerful young man who is out on a mission. Usually this mission is revenge - but not in this film. Talons actually situates Chong's character in a politically difficult moment Chinese history when the fledging Republic was threatened by the dethroned Ching (Manchurian) dynasty. This seems to be more than mere plot convention; Chong's character is eager to bury the ways of the past. (Modernization and Westernization comprised the heart of Republican ideology at the time; which is why it didn't endure. Even during revolutionary change, it is necessary to respect the customs of the past, keeping the revolution on political issues alone.) At any rate, this is neatly written and filmed, and the kung-fu is grand. The only quibble I have is that all the actors indulges in theatrical histrionics that are as much of the past as the Ching dynasty.
Chung Mo A combination of old school kung fu and new style ala Jacky Chan. The director, recently from the Shaw studios lends a seasoned hand while the action is geared more to the "smash the anonymous stuntman" school made popular by Chan and Sammo Hung. The Chings are trying to make a comeback and restore the Manchu dynasty in early 20th century China. Billy Chong plays a youthful tormentor of Ching sympathizers. He likes to chop their pony tails off. A Ching traitor comes through the tavern Chong's father runs and Chong decides to join up with the revolutionaries and help defeat the Chings. Along the way he promises to marry the police chief's daughter who raises eagles (!). She's unmarried because men think she's "too fierce". Chong is trying to escape the daughter and find the traitor who's on the run from the Chings since he's stolen the emperor's seal from them.The best part of this film are the plentiful fights and wacky stunt work. There are some incredible acrobatic stunts during some fights. The actors are all good movie fighters. The plot is a little weak and the acting is good for a cheapie but not exceptional. Chong seems to base his acting style more on Fu Sheng than Jacky Chan but without the needed intensity for the final scenes. Director Sun Cheung keeps the film moving and has his usual intense action style. The fights look exceptional fierce at times. Unfortunately the last fight isn't as good as some of the fights before. The trained eagles are unusual but not used very well in the plot. A warning to animal lovers, the last scene has a brazen example of real cruelty so I would advise you to avoid this film.Better then average HK independent film. Might be worth a try.
rudeboy8080 In 'Hu ying' a.k.a. 'A Fistful of Talons', Billy Chong portrays a young misfit who becomes an apprentice to a kung fu master who is trying to stop Ch'ing Dynasty loyalists from throwing The Republic of China into a civil war. Billy Chong is one of the better known "Jackie Chan" clones created the wake of 'Drunken Master'. At times, Chong tends to overact in this film, but he is one amazing martial artist! Hwang Ing-sik is terrific as the main antagonist who wants to re-establish the Ch'ing government. The fight choreography, cinematography, editing, and direction are excellent. The performances are quite good, but not excellent. On the other hand, this film isn't perfect, but then again, no film can be too perfect.