A Haunting in Salem

3.3| 1h30m| R| en

When the new sheriff of Salem, Massachusetts discovers that he is the victim of a centuries-old curse, he must protect his family from the vengeful ghosts that torment his home.


Producted By

The Asylum


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WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Tetrady not as good as all the hype
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Leofwine_draca A HAUNTING IN SALEM is an indie-style haunted house flick put out by The Asylum. A sheriff and his family move into an old house and it soon transpires that the place is haunted with all manner of weird stuff taking place, ranging from sickness to visions to violent and gory deaths. Sadly, the whole thing plays out in an ordinary and predictable fashion, with the usual gamut of poor writing and bad acting. I did enjoy seeing indie regular Bill Oberst Jr. in the lead role, but the rest of the cast make no effort and there's no real sense of momentum or suspense here, making this a tough film to sit through.
Heather B I will save you a lot of time: DO NOT watch this film. Wasted 2 hours of my life. I have loved horror movies since I was a child, but the main character in this "joke de cinema" has to be the ugliest actor working cinema, and they have you believe he is married to the hottest wife ever, who actually wants to curl up with him and flirts with him in the bedroom. I do believe I vomited no less than 3 times. His acting was dull, and everyone else seemed to convey something akin to the worst acting and inappropriate facial/bodily emotions throughout the film. Think: mixture of William Shatner's bad acting classes with "Kristen Stewart's inappropriate emotion/lack of emotion Theatre workshops." It was THAT bad. They could find a better looking main character. For craps sake, hire Stephen Hawking--at least he'd have a wider range of emotions, even in his computerized voice, than this guy did...also, at least he's brilliant and looks better than the main character. Yuck... 2 thumbs down and -2 stars.
tdeladeriere A couple and their two kids move into a beautiful house with a dark past. The beautiful, Victorian mansion witnessed a murder 50 years ago and this family will soon realize that they may be next on the cursed list.You saw this movie ten times before, most notably a few years ago or 30 years ago if you're older, with "Amityville". The story and template remain the same in most B-movie spawns of the (already passable) original and "A Haunting in Salem" is no exception. The couple have silent unresolved issues, the eldest daughter hates the house, the realtors obviously know something and with each new manifestation, the family deteriorates.Along with the by-the-books script, the casting here is the main problem. The mismatched couple never look like they've shared more than a few months together, even though they have two kids. The wife is much too good-looking for her husband and there's not one spontaneous sign of love throughout. Also, there's no interaction between the kids, so you're left with 4 characters that just don't gel.On the plus side, the show moves rather briskly, with barely a dead moment once the characters are established, and the cinematography looks professional. As previously mentioned by another reviewer, this would make a nice TV movie-of-the-week. In other words, it's slick but sorely lacks ambition.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Based on the image on the DVD cover, I was looking forward to this movie, because it really did look interesting on the cover. Just goes to prove, don't just a movie by it's cover, eh? And also that it were to take place in legendary Salem.While watching it, it because painstakingly clear that this movie was not really all that great. The story was good enough, though there really wasn't anything new to be seen here. Nothing to revolutionize the horror genre. So don't expect to be surprised and be sitting in awe.The one thing that this movie had going on for it, was the atmosphere. The house itself was really nicely done, lots of really great details here, and they had managed to carve out a really greet feel to the house and its surrounding. Old houses are genuinely creepy.As for the cast, well I didn't recognize a single one here. And in itself that was good enough, because I enjoy watching a movie with new faces in it. However, the bad thing was that there were no really overly convincing performances here. It was as it almost all people were in this movie half-heartedly. The most memorable, though, were the two teenagers; Jenna Stone and Nicholas Harsin.My low rating of this movie is because it just wasn't scary. The movie trotted on at a really slow pace, despite things happening, what happened wasn't scary. It was a dread to look at sometimes, because I wished more scary stuff would happen. There was only a single time in the entire movie that I got spooked, and without saying too much, then it was the scene where the sheriff was laying down on the bed to go to sleep.And one thing did puzzle me. What was the thing with the sheriffs and having to douse everything in gasoline to torch it all down when they found their families dead? I am pretty sure that kind of behavior is not what people do, much less trained police men, in such situations. That was just downright ridiculous.If you like horror movies, then "A Haunting in Salem" is not really a great choice, because you will be sorely disappointed.