A Lecture on Camouflage

6.1| 0h3m| NR| en

Using Snafu as an example, Techanical Fairy First Class teaches the methods of effective camouflage.


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Warner Bros. Pictures


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Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
GarnettTeenage The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Cissy Évelyne It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
TheLittleSongbird Many of the Private Snafu cartoons are very enjoyable, being very well-made, entertaining and educational with good morals and interesting historical and instructional material. Even when inept, Snafu is still very much endearing and fun for a vast majority of his cartoons.To me 'A Lecture on Camouflage' is up there as one of the better Private Snafu cartoons. A great concept, executed in a way that's very funny often (especially in Snafu's complete and utter failure at doing what he's been taught) and also pretty educational. While the ending is shocking and ahead of its time, there is nothing here that's questionable, unintentionally creepy or disturbing.Actually, my only problem with 'A Lecture on Camouflage' is that part of me wanted it to be longer.On the other hand, 'A Lecture on Camouflage' is very well-animated though with fluid character designs, detailed and not sparse backgrounds and lively colours/shadings. Carl Stalling always did write outstanding music for the many cartoons he scored for and that is true for 'In the Aleutians', the orchestration is very lush and the pacing is characteristically lively.Snafu is endearing and amusing, even when so hopelessly inept and Technical Fairy First Class is a great teacher and contrast. The voice work is great, as one would expect from the immortal Mel Blanc.In conclusion, great cartoon and one of Snafu's better ones. 9/10 Bethany Cox
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) "A Lecture on Camouflage" is another 4-minute black-and-white cartoon from the days of World War II. Director is Chuck Jones, voice acting comes from Mel Blanc as usual. And the narrator is Robert C. Bruce this time. I thought this Snafu film was funnier than most of the others and there were a couple scenes in here where I had to smile. Also the ending makes it very clear with the graphic nudity that this cartoon is not for children, but for people in the forces who may be happy to see something like this again. And Snafu is as clumsy as always, as he is basically the only one on this video who fails to go properly into disguise. Hilarious and I recommend checking this one out.
tavm Saw this on Mark Evanier's site. In this one, Private Snafu is trying to demonstrate how to effectively hide from the enemy. When he gets told to take cover, he takes cover but then he has to hide his jeep tracks. Then he has to hide his bicycle tracks. And so on. Next, he unwittingly gives a light to a person camouflaging himself as a tree. When he leaves, he gets followed by that tree and others in tree or stump wear. Finally, he gets told to hide in the shadow. Every time he tries, however, the shadow keeps moving. When the shadow finally stops, he goes there but the Nazis have already seen him and aim. At the end, the Technical Fairy First Class who had been narrating all along simply says to "just make youself part of the natural surroundings" before going to the screen and putting himself between two mermaids saying, "See what I mean?"...Pretty funny outing from Chuck Jones and I'm sure a valuable lesson for G.I.s wrapped in entertainment. Worth a look for animation buffs interested in World War II history.
emasterslake Once again another fine Snafu shot.This is mainly having to do with how to hide yourself from the enemy with the technique of camouflage.Technical Fairy does all the talking while Snafu demonstrates. Course he's no good at doing it for one thing.Throughout the lesson Snafu keeps running and hiding from the enemy. With Technical Fairy Fist Class yelling at him and telling him what to do.A Good lesson on how to blend in with the scenery when your in war.My rating for this one 8/10