Truly Dreadful Film
Kirandeep Yoder
The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin
The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Cissy Évelyne
It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
I have never been bias, but this movie made me ashamed to be a white man. Tears are falling from my eyes as I write this. Jefferson was as good a man as anyone could have been. He was referred to in court as a hog. That would have been humiliating to anyone, and I believe the man who said it it meant for it to be. This bothered Jrfferson more than the death penalty that had been put on him.MR. Wiggins, who was more or less employed by the lady who raised Jefferson to try and instill some dignity into him before he was executed, had his work cut out for him, but in the end he did seem to get through to Jefferson that he was much more than a hog.He did finally have to meet his maker, but he did it with an undaunted dignity. Thank you for letting me express my opinion.
What a beautiful film this is! The injustice perpetrated in the South (and frequently elsewhere) against the black people in a society dominated by whites is its noble theme. But so much more. How the relationship between two men can bring strength to the one oppressed, comfort to his soul and dignity to his being has been brilliantly portrayed and performed. It's an inspiration to us all. And in that relationship there are lessons for both men. Don Cheadle as a sensitive black teacher and Phifer as the wronged prisoner are splendid and convincing. The rest of the cast is also fine. Although this is a movie to touch the heart deeply, even profoundly, it avoids striking any note of sentimentality. There are hard truths presented here...but with such humanity I was almost happy to face them.
This would have been a very good movie if the acting were better. The script could have used some help also. The ideas are good. First of all Mr Cheadle was not believable and his romance was not too plausable either. This was a movie that counted on the audience to add up the pieces and take a lot for granted. It didn't really show the transformations depicted. We knew they were supposed to happen so they did but I really didn't feel the charactors making the changes I just new what would happen and it did.
k h
I taped this film when it was on tv and come back to it every so often. It is very well done, superbly crafted, and the storytelling is excellent. But what keeps me watching is the performances, specifically Don Cheadles. This man is quite simply a great actor, he is where Denzel was ten years ago. Cicely Tyson remains one of our greatest assets, and the whole cast brings a sensitivity and authenticity to it that makes it sing. Worth watching with your kids, it has valuable lessons for us all.