Wow! Such a good movie.
I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Feministic policewoman Maggie goes undercover at a high-school to investigate the rash of kidnapped cheerleaders. A group of snotty 'teens' (in their thirties) 'befriend' her as they need a car to the rave. On the way, well if the made it, that wouldn't be much of a movie would it?This film is pretty dreadful, bad acting, an insanely stupid plot and just a crappy way to spend an hour and a half. I feel dumber just having witnessed it. The most that I could feasibly hope to accomplish with this review is to save someone from suffering the Sam fate as me. If I could do that for just one person, perhaps this wasn't all in vain.Eye Candy: Sita Young gets topless
First off, it's a B-movie horror flick. If you are not into the Bs, don't watch them. If you are, you will like this. Plot: Not too shabby. Plot twists are surprisingly well written and not nearly as transparent as usually found in Bombshell B-movies. Characters are reasonably well developed and identifiable. Acting: Again, surprisingly good out of the lead characters. T&A: Low. B-movies expect a certain amount. In this instance, the setting and situation involved in the climax of the plot (not spoiling) really demands at least a wee bit of gratuitous skin. Cinematography: Average. Nothing spectacular, but still normal. Overall: And I say again: If you like Bombshell B-movies it is worth your time. If you do not like them; you won't like this, because this is B-movie essence.
This movie is about a career-minded-relationship-fearing female cop who goes undercover in a high school as a high school senior to protect female students. Several have gone mysteriously missing and the authorities are understandably very concerned. It later turns out that the girls are being kidnapped and forced to fight each other for the sport and profit of their captors as well as their rich and diverse clientèle.Along with the woman (Maggie/Kate) who is undercover as a student the movie centers around a clique of 4 girls.Meet Brittany: She's (S)hallow, (S)elfish, (S)poiled, and (S)nobbish. And those are only the S's folks; she's also V's. (V)ulgar, (V)ain, and (V)acuous. I could go on. But more importantly I'd like to give her a big "F" here (No, not that. Okay, that too.) for "FUNNY" to watch --under the influence or not.Meet Brooke: Brittany's sidekick. A beautiful stereotypical dumb blonde. But everything is relative since the clique she belongs to are all in some respects and to varying degrees challenged in this department. So I guess that makes her the dumbest of the dumb.Meet Lauren: Somewhat innocent and insecure. Just wants to belong and get-a-long, it seems. Possibly has more depth than all the others but dare not show it. Knows how to creatively use that middle finger though, so that 3 or 4 people at once get skewed by it.Meet Tina: Grew up tough, I guess, without the money and privileges of Brittany. Very forward girl, goes after what she wants. Could hold her liquor better, though.I thought the movie started out great; about the first 30 minutes or so, before the girls got into trouble. Until then, it was fun to watch their internal bitchy but friendly sniping as they tried to put each other in their place, defend their position, and possibly move up in rank in their little clique. Sadly, all of that came to an end when the girls got captured. The humor was gone. It became a more serious film, though not "serious" serious, if you get my meaning. It is, after all, an "entertainment exploitation movie". Still, girls were being abused and killed at this stage and that's no laughing matter.The road to hell begins after the girls are invited to a rave party by the "in crowd" (the majority of which are C to D students, no doubt). Shortly thereafter, someone slyly switches their invite along with the directions and so they are "lured" elsewhere where a guy with a shovel is waiting (you'll get the joke if you see the movie). So kidnapped, and thus deprived of their sheltered, cotton candy little girl's world of license wherein their greatest talent was applying make-up and their greatest challenge was devising ways to hoodwink their parents so they could get their way, the girls at this point in the movie are reduced to helpless, confused, frightened, ALWAYS-whimpering-and-crying creatures. Gone was their saucy, sharp tongues; their friendly and funny sniping amongst each other (Ahh, those were the good old minutes).For their part, the bad guys came across as uneducated or unsophisticated, cruel, sleazy, and depraved whilst their leader just came across as ruthless and greedy. You may or may not be surprised who it turns out to be. The second I saw his shadowy profile I knew. In closing (hope you're not too relieved), I want to say that for the type of movie this is it's "fairly good" with the first 30 minutes -in my opinion- being the best. If I were asked what I'd do to improve it I would say: Play the humor angle ALL THE WAY THRU with the girls still saucy, bitchy, and sniping at each other even after being captured and in dire straits. Nobody has to be killed in this thing. Lastly, the girls are beautiful and I'm a guy so a little more T&A would have gone a long way. Love, Boloxxxi.
A Lure: Teen Fight Club has a lot going for it. This little thriller is far from perfect but it's fast, energetic and very watchable. Scan the credits and you get the sense that some of the cast and crew are new to the game, but while they misfire on some things, they get a lot right. For starters, the storyline is B movie gold: high school girls are disappearing and a female detective is sent undercover to investigate.Jessica Sonneborn stars as the undercover detective. She is leggy and lithesome and has an expressive, interesting face. But there's more to Ms. Sonneborn than good looks – she wrote the screenplay and co-produced the film. She may need a bit more seasoning as an actress but overall, she handles her action chick duties with style and also does nicely with her quieter scenes. She is definitely one to watch!As the undercover detective will eventually discover, the missing girls are being forced to fight to the death in an underground fight club. But before we get to the death ring, the first half of A Lure introduces us to the popular girls clique at the high school. To me, the film gets bogged down a bit here, with a few unnecessary scenes and some characters who are a bit too broadly drawn. For example, the rich girl who rules over the clique (sexy Augie Duke) and her blonde sidekick come across as "types" more than flesh and blood characters. But the first half has its moments, as the detective strikes up a believable friendship with the clique's quiet member (played with style by Paulie Rojas). And in a clever twist, the film introduces the character who will ultimately be revealed as the fight club's evil mastermind. All is not as it seems in this little town.Things pick up nicely once the girls go in search of a rave party, only to get "lured" into a trap. Once they're captured, the game is on. But if you're hoping for nonstop chick fights, no such luck. Despite the knockout premise, A Lure doesn't spend too much time in the ring, although the first fight is exciting and nicely played. But what the film may lack in fight action, it makes up for in atmosphere. The second half strikes a nice balance of creating a sense of dark foreboding without resorting to sadism or gore like in Hostel or Turistas. Director Bill McAdams Jr., in what may be his first feature, effectively moves the action along and like the story, he hits his stride in the second half. Intercutting between the young women's plight and a male detective trying to find them, he skillfully pulls together the story threads and delivers an exciting finish.Like many thrillers, the final scene leaves the door open for a sequel. If there will be a sequel, as long as they smooth out some rough edges and up the ante on the fighting, the team behind A Lure might just serve up a classic. Until then, watch A Lure for what it is and enjoy the ride.