the leading man is my tpye
Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Excellent, a Must See
I watched this movie many years ago before DVD's even existed. The script is a known one. Nothing new here but the ambiance is basically what this movie is about. The director was skillful at making this co-production keep up with a plausible script ( always an issue when money comes from different countries ) . The tone is definitely the big Hollywoog star versus the more bohemian people an A- lister might encounter when filming. Great casting as Claudia Cardinale makes a credible Greta Sccatchi's Mum. The french version was excellent ,reminded me of the good old days when Charles Bronson made his best ones in Europe. What can I say ...It's all about ambiance..Watch it 'till the very end !
First of all, seeing the fuss of over post-coital fantasy pillow talk being such the focus of the discussion of this film is disturbing. There IS no "lesbian love scene". There are NO scenes of sex between two women. Jane simply describes a fantasy encounter, even editing it to his wishes, to her man. It's pillow talk. Anyone renting this for such a scene will be greatly disappointed. Okay, there's some nudity; but this isn't soft core porn. It isn't even Nine and a Half Weeks. The sex scenes are far more subtle; no humping, sorry. I don't see how anyone with realistic expectations could possibly be disappointed. It's a delightful, realistic romance. A married man falls in love with a younger woman; who happens to be an ingénue, his love interest in the film of which he's the star. Coyote plays to perfection "The American Movie Star" filming in Europe. Set in spectacular locales, it's more than a love story between the two principal characters. It's a love story showing the director's love of the locations where it was filmed. This; and relating with the storyline of a European love affair, is what makes this one of my all time favorite films. Who could possibly complain about the music by the genius that was Georges Delerue? (the sole 80's synth-pop track aside)And to the previous poster "wondering what Kurys was thinking" - a little research will divulge the film's semi-autobiographical nature. Look up Kurys' listing here, in her earlier years. You'll find where she worked on a film with a popular American actor (not his costar as in this film, but it's obvious enough). She wasn't just "thinking" - the fact that this is a bit of memoir makes it all that much more endearing.This is one of the most highly UNDER rated films of all time, as underrated as Coyote is actor. But expect a romantic film (by all definitions) and watch it for what it's worth - there is beauty in its simplicity.
Personally, I find movies about abusive, jealous, mistrusting, vindictive married people to fall under "horror". Every generation has them: Gaslight (1944), Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966), and of course Possession (1981), all horror flicks, as far as i'm concerned. There is only one reason to see this film. If you're schooled in Hollywood political history, you'll like the casting of blacklisted director John Berry, as the father of the love-target of the actor playing an Italian communist writer. Nice touch.OK, make it two. Self-reflexive Hollywood. I found the theme and look to recall Two Weeks in Another Town, Vincente Minelli's 1962 self-reflexive Hollywood followup to his Bad and the Beautiful (1952). My jaw dropped to the ground when I heard the line "bad and beautiful" uttered by Coyote, in response to his giving Affair Girl the new dress. I guess I must really know my classic movies...don't be surprised, either, to find that the entire movie is actually a script by one of the actors in the movie within a movie. Sigh.Alright, three. This is one of those movies that screams for a widescreen presentation. So if you like getting dizzy, watching between pan-and-scan and subtitles, this is your flick.Otherwise, be prepared for two hours of angry, embittered, unsympathetic married people thriving on crisis, having affairs, and snapping indignantly at each other. There were a few joke's-on-the-viewer moments, where it's at first unclear whether the affair is "real" or "on-screen". Unfortunately, it's revealed that it's all too "real". Like the unadvised inclusion of that tedious, cardboard "lesbian fantasy", of course as dictated by the impatient voyeur male lover, during some sex scene. Groan.Blah to all of the above, except John Berry. 2/10.
Michael Bate
I saw this film a number of years ago on LaserDisc, and I loved it. Excuse me if I don't remember all the details.Peter Coyote and Greta Scacchi gave great performances. Coyote played an actor and really conveyed a sense of someone trying to convey the essence of the character he played. Scacchi was also great. Their hunger for each other came across in a compelling way (OK, I really liked her nude scenes!).The LaserDisc may have been Panned and Scanned (ugh!). Supposedly this is available on DVD, released in September 2004. It apparently had a very short shelf life. I cannot find it anywhere (as of December, 2004). Amazon says that their suppliers cannot provide a copy. Very frustrating. The DVD may also be P&S, but I hope not.Highly recommended - if you can find it.