It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Rifat Sharna
Watching first half of this movie I made myself to write- Being accustomed to enjoy super power of superman, I did not like his crazy behavior in this movie. And in the getup of a documentary producer Jun (popular heroine of "My Sassy Girl", "Daisy" etc) seemed to be a bit rough also. But at the end of the movie the total concept simply wowed me. Really in this self-centered society any individual can turn out to be a superman just by exercising his humane qualities. Although their presence seems to be rare, they can help and inspire countless people effectively. And their motto is simple- "Strength doesn't open big iron doors but a small key will and we all have the key inside us to open the door to a new future." Both the main actor and actress did their best and really such a great realistic movie's worth watching.
A Man Who Was A Superman is very touching and heart-warming film. It provides a message that is so powerful that will definitely affect each and everyone. It has themes about helping other people,the joy it gives to one person, the transformation of one person and how one's outlook about the future can be changed after one experiences tragedy in life. The film is a mix of drama and comedy. The acting was great in this film. Hwang Jeong-Min plays his role extremely well as the mentally challenged person who sees himself as superman. While Gianna Jun never disappoints her fans as sympathetic Soo-jung,the producer who covers Superman. The chemistry between the two was superb that they were able to carry the film despite being the only characters in almost 3/4 of the film. Every one who sees this one will truly be touched and affected. Highly recommended to everyone who loves great film.
Most Korean movies seem to fall into three genres; romantic comedy, mob fighting action movie, or family conflict drama. Thankfully, this movie is none of the above. There were only a couple scenes where there was the typical-Korean-movie-over-emotional-melodrama. Also, many Korean movies are obvious knock-offs of more popular Hollywood productions. While this movie is similar to K-Pax, is different enough to only bear a slight resemblance.The movie provides some good social commentary about the selfish nature of Korean society. The main character goes into a dissociative fugue after he experiences a great tragedy that might have been prevented if only bystanders had helped.The movie was also helped by it's bittersweet ending. Overall, I'd say this is most definitely one of the better Korean movies I've seen, a refreshing break from the usual stayed Korean formulas.
Venus Attack
'If I Were Superman' is a fantasy comedy about this lady journalist who followed a man who claimed that he's Superman who has to help save the world. At first glance, he seemed to be mental but as the story goes, the journalist slowly found out why he became this way.The story is supposed to be engaging and the characters interesting. But unfortunately I just didn't identify w any element in it at all. The lines were not funny if they are meant to be, the characters I can't connect with, the plot is messy and the tear jerking parts I didn't even bat an eyelid. Which means a big deal cos I really do cry easily in wherever the director wants the audience to. So overall, I dun feel a thing regarding this Korean movie so it's pretty much wasted on me.