A Mom for Christmas

1990 "A tale of Christmas magic."
6.5| 1h36m| en

A department store mannequin comes to life during the holiday season for a motherless little girl who wishes she had a mom for Christmas, and proceeds to charm her hard-working dad, too.


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GazerRise Fantastic!
GarnettTeenage The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Phillida Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Christmas-Reviewer I HAVE REVIEWED OVER 400 (C H R I S T M A S ) MOVIES AND SPECIALS.BEWARE OF BOGUS REVIEWS. SOME REVIEWERS HAVE ONLY ONE REVIEW. WHEN ITS A POSITIVE REVIEW THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH THE PRODUCTION. NOW I HAVE NO AGENDA! I AM HONEST! I REVIEW MOVIES & SPECIALS AS A WAY TO KEEP TRACK OF WHAT I HAVE SEEN!"A Mom For Christmas" is a 1990 television film produced by Disney. In this film a motherless girl is granted a "Christmas Wish". Her wish comes true when she gets a "Mom" for Christmas who in reality is a department store mannequin come to life.The story revolves around 11-year-old Jessica (Juliet Sorcey), whose mother died when she was three years old. Her father, Jim (Doug Sheehan), is a workaholic with little time for his daughter and hasn't been able to spend time with her since her mother's death 8 years prior and still seems to be mourning her.The film is well worth watching. If you have never seen it you should. It is very charming. Doris Robert co-stars! This film is a winner. If you love Christmas movies this is a must.
nicole_ward Such and unrealistic story however, at the same time it is so true to reality. The base of the story is the little girl Jessica who does not have a mother and wishes for one at Christmas. This is what so many children have to go through each year, and this makes the film so touching as it shows how Christmas is for many children. However, the other part (the mannequins coming to life) is obviously unrealistic.This film is a really beautiful Christmas story, and will touch the hearts of many. It's not about Santa, reindeers and presents as many Christmas films tend to be. It's about so much more - the wish of a mother, and this is really beautiful! The acting is wonderful, especially that of the little girl Jessica. This film needs more credit, and I'm surprised that it hasn't got it, given that Olivia Newton John stars as a lead role! If you want a touching Christmas film, watch this; you will not be disappointed.
Jessica Cooper A very sorry tale--with a weird message and dismal "anwser" for kids grieving a parent. It doesn't work. This story doesn't resonate with even a fairytale depiction of hopes and dreams or recognizable human characteristics.The premise of "A Mom for Christmas" is that a little girl misses her dead mother and so she wishes a store mannequin will be her mom for the holiday. What?! What studio executive thought there was an audience of kids who want a mannequin for a parent? The script doesn't work, even though, in the fairy godmother role, Doris Roberts (as the magical mentor) does her best. She is the one bright spot in this movie.Unfortunately, the acting styles of the rest of the cast do nothing to redeem a poorly conceived story.Olivia Newton John doesn't aspire to portray any deeper emotions or intellect than a store mannequin--even though she was supposed to "come to life" and fulfill the little girl's wish for a real mom. Her idea of depicting emotions consist of a lot of exaggerated and laughable eye-popping.Instead of creating a mom character the little girl could bond with, Olivia plays the role like she herself were a five-year-old girl in a sitcom--constantly opening her eyes wide, like a surprised bat.WHY THE MOVIE DOESN'T WORK...Most fairy tales are based in tragedy--especially comedies. The well-made fairy tales can make us believe in even the most far-fetched premise because they infuse the fantasy with a subtext of human experience--our secret wishes, hopes, fears and dreams."A Mom For Christmas" aspires to be a Christmas fairytale--but lacks any compelling story elements.Compare other Christmas fairy tales: For example: "ELF" Will Ferrell is an orphaned human adopted by elves. although he loves his "elf family", deep-down, Will feels like an outsider. The movie uses humor to tell a simple tale but under the silly antics and fun, we appreciate his quest to find out about his mysterious past and recognize Will's longing to "belong." Even though it is a light and silly movie, we care about Will as the "Elf" and go along with the "Fairytale" elements because the underlying premise of the movie resonates with the human experience of hopes and dreams.Unfortuanately, this Christmas "fairytale" flops.
thespian01 I am A HUGE fan of Olivia Newton-John,so I might be Just a little prejudiced. But this sweet,Wonderful story about a lonely little girl's Christmas wish is classic holiday fare on par with It's a wonderful life! Jessica Slocum is an eleven year old girl who lost her mom when she was three. For the last couple of years,she would go to this department store to watch the other little girls shop with their moms,and wish that could be her. Well,through the help of some good ol'"magic" Jess get's her wish, and we get the best made for t.v. holiday movie ever!! There's also 2 new ON-j songs written especially for the movie!! This Xmas gift is funny, touching,and VERY moving!(