A Thief in the Night

1972 "...and there will be no place to hide."
4.5| 1h9m| en

Patty, a young woman caught up in living for the present with little concern for the future, awakens one day to find her husband missing and the radio reporting that millions of people around the globe have mysteriously vanished. As dramatic, earth-shaking events begin to unfold around her, Patty realizes she is living in the end times spoken of in biblical prophecy.



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Mark IV Pictures Incorporated


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Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
calvinnme This movie was commonly shown in churches in the 1970's, and frightened many non-believers so badly that some of them did begin to consider their own spiritual condition and come to salvation. I was one of those people, having seen the film in a Pentecostal church with my then best friend back in high school in 1974. I was raised in a Methodist church that seldom spoke of salvation and never spoke of the rapture, so the entire concept presented in the film was new to me at the time.Thus, I guess you could say this film did some good in the fact that some were brought to Christ either as a direct or indirect result of watching it. However, it does tend to rock already saved ones into a sense of complacency in relation to the doctrine of the rapture of all Christians prior to the great tribulation, when a careful study of the Bible shows that this is not the case. In that sense, the film does a disservice.As other reviewers have mentioned, the acting is B-rated, but that is not really the point of the movie. It was not trying to break box office records or win awards. I haven't seen this film in 41 years, but the memory that still stands out the most to me is that of the heroine of the film going to church on Sunday, trying to find something of the spiritual experience her new husband has found, and being treated instead to a very dead dull sermon. After the rapture, she goes to the church and finds the tormented preacher who has also been left behind lamenting - "Another one!". In other words, apparently large numbers of his parishioners as well as himself have never known Christ's salvation.From a psychological standpoint you have to ask yourself why this film is so frightening. Most people, especially Americans, have been taught their whole lives about the torments of hell that await those who die unredeemed, yet nothing seems to frighten people more than the idea of being left on earth by God to be hunted and persecuted by their fellow man. This is probably because most people have never seen an actual demon, but they have seen plenty of the evil man is capable of, and it is therefore more real to them.
rdrsmail I remember watching these movies when I was a kid, and it was on a Saturday night at the Baptist Church. Of course it's campy and out dated, the acting sucks and looks like they spent all over $27 making it. But at the time I think it did what the producers were hoping. It got people thinking and talking about what the days before and after the Rapture of the Church would be like and what could be done to reach the lost. Not everybody who watches these movies even think twice about Christ. They just look at them as a campy budget flick. I have these all on DVD now and watch them every now and then, and I don't look at them as gloom and doom and depressing like some of you apparently do. They're just movies. I remember being a kid and watching them and they didn't scare the hell out of me. But I did wonder how close we were to the Rapture. Now, a bit older and a bit more ancient than I was way back when, I still enjoy the movies. But that's all they are. Movies. Take them for what they are. And if it bothers you that someone tried evangelizing through them, don't watch 'em.
lalitaesq I've read most of the comments on this movie. I have seen this movie(and the whole prophecy series) many times with family members of all ages, we all enjoyed and it just made us meditate on what we already knew from reading and studying the bible about the rapture and end times. No one got scared or traumatized like I have read on some posts. The movie is just based on biblical facts. I have seen a lot of end time movies "Tribulation", "Armagedon" and so on and by far this one is one of the best in presenting bible truths. It may not have a lot of great special effects like todays movies but I believe it is a good witnessing tool. This movie and its prophecy series can be seen free at this website higherpraise.com, and judge for yourself. Blessings to all.
urbanprincess89 I have seen this movie a whole dozen times and it's awesome. But the only thing with it was that in the beginning, there was too much talk of who's going out with who. I think that it would be interesting to do a remake of it. But on the official site, they said that they will not be making a remake of it because so many people have gotten saved when viewing it. What's even happened to Patty Dunning now? She is a pretty good actress. She has done several other movies in the 70s and 80s, but we haven't heard from her since. I know for sure about Thom Rachford, who plays Jerry, works for Accounting at RD Films. But overall, I have to say that the series itself is like Left Behind gone old school.