What a beautiful movie!
Nayan Gough
A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Scotty Burke
It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Michael Ledo
This is a short film of 49 minutes (box claims 70) with an added short feature that was 30 minutes plus a number of metal/ death metal music videos. The films had English subtitles with action that can put one to sleep. The zombies attack a church during a funeral, apparently saying the wrong words at the wrong time. In the middle of the film we have a guy whispering a rather long prayer which was incredibly boring.Guide: F-bomb. No sex. Brief nudity in Music videos only.
Paul Magne Haakonsen
This is the second Danish zombie movie that I have watched, and I can't claim that either were overly impressive. I happened to come across "Opstandelsen" (aka "A Zombie Exorcism"), which is Danish for "The Rising", by sheer random luck, and being a zombie aficionado of course I just had to buy it.I will say that the idea, despite its simplicity, was actually adequate. And as the director Casper Haugegaard said in the extras, that there is just something about having zombies in a church. Good concept idea, but the movie as a whole wasn't memorable.The dialogue was almost not present, and what was there didn't really help to improve the movie much in any manner.Now, what the movie had working for it was the gore. And while some of it wasn't great, gore is always good to have in a zombie movie. And there were also some gore parts which were really great.The movie doesn't follow traditional zombie lore, as the zombies in the movie apparently could die by being stabbed through the Heart and the zombies were also fast, agile runners. Whether or not you like that is, of course, a matter of preference. I didn't though. No, I prefer the typical zombie lore; that zombies are slow shamblers that require brain trauma to be effectively put down.The movie had moments of really questionable camera-work when the people (and zombies) were running in the basement passages underneath the church.In overall, then "Opstandelsen" was a good-hearted attempt at a zombie movie that was ultimately a less than mediocre result.
Sawaf Ahmed
i liked it! , this movie wasn't supposed to have a major big story, but it just speaks about simple things, its like when u watch something that is short but gives a lot of meaning to it, this movie is one of them :D, i think the director/writer just wanted like a brief movie but still scary.I liked the effects they had and there isn't much of story to tell but its still good though :) of course id say they needed a little more work on ending and story, yet i still think its good and frightening.I rate it 7 for good effects, makeup, acting, it also left me confused a bit.Worth Watching :D!7/10
Okay.. Maybe not thousands.. But a lot!Just got home from the theater, where the director/producer/writer etc. presented his movie. For a Danish horror-zombie flick, this rocks.. But only for the one reason that it's just a zombie-flick! Which isn't a bad thing.. At all..It's got what you would desire in a zombie-movie, no sense, no plot, no deep characters.. Just zombies attacking and eating people!I only have two complaints, which is the way it was shot.. It's shaking quite a bit, to make that confusing scary feeling.. Only it's so dark to begin with, it doesn't help at all, at seeing what the hell is happening..The other thing:******SPOILER********The last and "epic" battle between the before mentioned dead guy and his brother (our hero) isn't epic at all.. It's over way too soon..But seen with no expectations or prejudice.. This rocks!!