About Adam

2001 "He came. He saw. He conquered. One sister at a time."
5.8| 1h45m| R| en

A waitress falls for a handsome customer who seduces her, her two sisters, her brother, and her brother's girlfriend.


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GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
SnoopyStyle Outgoing Lucy Owens (Kate Hudson) and bookish Laura Owens (Frances O'Connor) are sisters having trouble finding good men. Lucy is taken with Adam (Stuart Townsend). He meets her family. Eventually she proposes to him. Then the movie keeps returning back to the family gathering. It turns out that Adam has an affair with Laura and flirtations with the older sister Peggy who is tired of her husband and baby. There's even their brother David who is having trouble with women. The Owens siblings seem to all gain something from Adam.Stuart Townsend has to navigate a tricky character. He is definitely charming enough but he also has a dangerous edge. Revisiting the same scenes is great. The three sisters are all great. I can do without the desperate comedy from David's section. There is an artificial quality to the happy ending of it all but Adam somehow makes it work.
jfb333 Didn't expect much from this as it felt like it would be a piece of rom- com fluff I'd abandon early on. But, I got hooked mainly by the characters and the world-class acting and decided to stay with it. Glad I did.Adam is a lovable, amoral devil who drives a classic sixties-vintage XKE Jag because it's "sex on wheels" and beds his new girlfriend (soon to be fiancée) followed by her entire family. "Down and out in Beverly Hills" is definitely in the same genre. It ends on a positive tone possibly proving Dylan was right about sex when he wrote in Tombstone Blues: "You will not die, it is not poison".For fans of Rashomon, there's a wonderful series of interspersed scenes where Adam proposes to his new fiancée publicly in a nightclub and we get to watch each family members' reaction as we learn more about their own relationship to Adam.This is a feel-good movie with a deep philosophical undertone that I enjoyed immensely. Invest a couple of hours in this one. It won't disappoint.
Brigid O Sullivan (wisewebwoman) which makes this movie all the more refreshing for its approach to sexuality and promiscuity.I was bowled over by the bravery (and avant gardeness) of making this Irish film which will throw some long standing beliefs of holy Ireland into mad disarray.Sex is treated casually and frequently, like laundry or eating. Kate Hudson, pre-fame, shines in this, in spite of the slippage of her sometimes fey cute Oirish accent.The plot kept surprising me, and I won't throw down spoilers as it would ruin the fun. The supporting cast are brilliant and get to work with some fresh and witty dialogue.Stuart Townsend as the romantic interest that Kate casts her jaded eye on is spot on as a hapless ( or is he?) Lothario, caught in the spin of his own fantasies and tall tales. He enchants the whole world around him.Lots of fun, not a boring minute and a delightful surprise for this viewer!7 out of 10
Kristine God, Kate Hudson has the worst Irish accent! Stuart is the only one, I know because he is from Ireland, with a real Irish accent. The accents just kept switching back and forth. First it was British and then it was Irish, yadda, yadda, yadda."About Adam" is a cute romantic comedy though. I have to admit it stole my heart for a few seconds. The story is a little odd and sometimes painful to watch, I admit. But if you give it a chance, it isn't so bad. I would give the green light for "About Adam". Especially if you love Stuart Townsend. *drool* Get me a towel! Sorry, sorry. So, if you have some time on your hands, check it out. It's a decent movie.7/10