Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe

1990 "An adventure across time and space"
2.9| 1h30m| PG-13| en

An alien policeman comes to Earth to hunt down a renegade of his own race.


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Bardlerx Strictly average movie
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Hayleigh Joseph This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
The Grand Master Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe feels like the entire movie was written by a child for a primary school assignment. The entire movie resembles something that was made up by a child. I probably could have written this for a short story for a school assignment in school and get a good mark. How this was made into a movie I'll never know. I don't know where to start on how bad this movie is. From the nonsensical and unintentionally laughably pathetic dialogue, rubbish action sequences, woeful explosions, and poor attempts at violence. I was shocked to see James Belushi pop up in a cameo as an incompetent school principal, most likely done as a favour for someone.Jesse Ventura (Predator, The Running Man) plays an intergalactic police officer named Abraxas who has been sent back to Earth to stop a rogue alien named Secundus played by Sven-Ole Thorsen (well known character actor who has appeared in Conan The Barbarian, Lethal Weapon, The Running Man, Red Heat among others). Secundus is looking for a woman on Earth to impregnate so she can bear his child to carry on his legacy.Where have I seen this before??? Oh yes, this is a low grade rip off of Arnold Schwarzenegger's classic sci-fi movie The Terminator (1984). Even so, this movie miserably fails.Look no further than the atrocious dialogue present throughout the movie and you get the idea on how bad this movie is. Referring to a box containing "VD" - Vibrational Detection. That is laughable. But wait, there's more. "T-squared", "Volted", "Pla-Steel", "Comater", "Answer Box" and "Anti-life equation". Wow, sounds like these words have been plucked out of a Maths class. I'm still scratching my head here. Are you sure this story wasn't derived from a Primary School assignment? There are so many plot holes throughout the movie as well. Characters that just disappear and serve no purpose throughout the movie? Rookie error. Small town Deputy Sheriff officers carrying Uzi's in their patrol car as well as outdated .38 Revolvers?! No way! Besides, these two deputies are nothing more than a pair of hapless, dim-witted clowns that couldn't catch a cold. Jesse Ventura and Sven-Ole Thorsen both share the distinction of appearing with Arnold Schwarzenegger in numerous movies throughout the 1980's. Both actors also shared the screen along with Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator (1987) and The Running Man (1987). Fellas, you are great in small roles and character actors respectively, but you will never be in the same league as Arnold Schwarzenegger.Unless you want to have a good laugh at how pathetic this movie is, go ahead and watch it. But this will be 90 minutes that you will never get back. Alternatively, just find all copies of this movie and blast it into outer space.1/10.
dbackous I liked this movie because of it's simplicity. The performance by Marjorie Bransfield is what actually made the movie. Her expression of character was realistically natural and her interaction with the little boy was touching.The DVD jacket implies an outer space setting, although this is not really what the movie is about. In that sense it was a little disappointing but the old style of stunting and graphic art was both nostalgic and entertaining.This is certainly not a serious kind of movie but the light comedy throughout kept me in a mild state of anticipation. I think I will likely watch it again sometime in the distant future. It does present some scientific inaccuracies, but nothing too serious. After all, it's just fantasy anyway!
moonspinner55 He's no Laurence Olivier, but Jesse Ventura is very likable as an actor. Low-budget science-fiction B-flick with shades of "The Terminator" involves good cop Ventura chasing bad cop Sven-Ole Thorsen from the future to present-day Canada. The shoestring special effects are pretty much a joke, and the film never comes up with the kind of futuristic scenario depicted on the poster. However, this thing is almost single-handedly saved by handsome Ventura's low-key performance. No, he's not going to win any awards for his acting, but he doesn't force his dialogue and is an appealing presence on the screen. The picture is the epitome of mediocre, it isn't original nor remarkable, but on a minor, TV-viewing level it's decent fare. ** from ****
jonathan moore FOXX! CRUISE! FORD! WASHINGTON! VENTURA!The face of the modern action-flick has now changed! This could be one the most influential movies in modern history. The stunning performances,Pepsi, the non-stop action, the half-naked-man-to-boy relationship. Don't forget one of the most quotable lines in modern film making..."my Box has VD, trust me". unforgettable! After viewing this movie i also had a strange craving for Pepsi-cola. Seeing as the only store in the whole movie sold only Pepsi and Pepsi related paraphenalia... if i could rate this movie i'de give it 11 thumbs up... i recommend this movie to everyone on earth. In fact, the bible is now obsolete now that man has ABRAXUS: GUARDIAN OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!