
4.1| 1h21m| NR| en

Doctors are baffled when an expectant mother wakes to find her nearly-to-term pregnancy apparently disappear overnight. Police investigate the situation as a missing child, and only her husband and brother trust her version of events.


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Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Cody One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
nancy Absence is pretty much absent of any real excitement. Absence begins with Evan, a young film student who is documenting his sister Liz and her husband, whose 7-month old baby fetus mysteriously vanished from his sisters body. The trio escape the questioning from police and media attention and head off to a cabin in the woods. They, nor the doctors have any explanation for what happened to Liz. The documentary shooting is real but sloppy for a films sake. No-one holds the camera twenty-four-seven and you do put it down when needing to do something (as is what happens in the film). It can be annoying for the viewer's pleasure to watch a wall while hearing a conversation in the background.The central mystery of the disappearance takes a while to get into and the scares are far and few between but it does have the odd scene and shot that was worth the wait.The ending was expected once it happened but I enjoyed it all the same. If you're not a fan of found footage, you may not like this movie but if you are you'll want to give it a go.
lesley_givens First of all, I'm a huge fan of the genre and I have to say that this movie is without a doubt one of my favorites. I really don't get why it has such a low rating here or why people are so disappointed with it. In my humble opinion, all the people who were so disappointed, simply did not get the idea of the movie. The tension in the movie is building up slowly and that's what I love about it. I hate it when they show you the monster in the first 10 minutes of the movie,then I lose interest. I envy all the people out there who still haven't seen it. The actors are doing a great job. I just love everything about this movie, I recommend it to all of you, alien nerds.
suite92 Liz was seven months pregnant. She wakes up one morning not pregnant. Doctors had no explanation for this other than 'you killed it.' The police interrogate them, check their plumbing for signs of disposal of the fetus, have them watched, but found no sufficient evidence early on.Evan documents Liz's recovery during a trip taken after the 'abduction.' They stay at Rick's aunt's house, where he used to visit as a boy. Evan is incredibly obnoxious, and his camera work is poor. Rick and Evan are always about that close to a fist fight. Evan even goes out of his way to tick off strangers.One evening while irritating Rick and Liz, Evan's attention wanders to a light in the sky with accompanying hum. Shortly thereafter, Liz gets another nosebleed. Rick and Evan talk about the progress of the investigation while Liz rests. Rick talks about how he built a crib for the baby, filled it with toys and the like. He's deeply discouraged that anyone would think that the baby was unwanted.Evan meets Meg, and the four of them spend time together. When Meg and Evan go driving, they see an odd light in the distance; the car loses some functions. Rick returns some of Evan's nonsense by referring to this as Sasquatch and the like.The childhood story about Liz letting the younger Evan take the blame for burning the house was possibly a clue. Their parents died about five years later when Evan was 12, and Liz helped raising him. During the subsequent night, the odd light appears in the room where Liz and Rick were sleeping. Evan tries to get in but could not.The next morning, Meg comes by. The funny light episode seems to be completely lost.Then Liz has a moving lump in her right arm. The symptom subsides, so they decide to go to urgent care in the morning. Later that night, the odd light comes again. Liz is gone in the morning. Evan evidently has the camera on, but neither frames nor focuses it nor even points it.Rick and Evan go to the nearby town. Evan talks to Meg, who has little interest in helping find Liz. Of course, Evan's needy, demanding approach did not help things along. They look in the woods near the lake where they had recently spent time with Liz. Still nothing.They find her after a short car ride. She's not in good shape, and coughs up some blood. They try going back to Rick's aunt's house, but Liz coughs up more blood and they take her to urgent care.They don't get there. It's completely clear that this is yet another 'found film' fake out, not a directed, edited, and scripted movie.------Scores------Cinematography: 2/10 Shaky camera, focus problems, bad framing. There are stretches where the camera is just pointed at car upholstery.Sound: 7/10 Better than the visuals.Acting: 3/10 Ryan Smale is just terrible. Erin Way, Eric Matheny, and Stephanie Schmolz were better.Screenplay: 2/10 Lots of filler in this one. Watching Evan drink beer or voiding his bladder or doing bad impressions? Who cares? Is there ever a resolution, or are we just supposed to rely on movie clichés to fill in the voids?
nik kostas through most of the movie, i had the feeling that i was zapping between different channels showing: a) a family reality with 4 participants: sister , brother , sister's husband and brother's girlfriend (most of the time i watched this channel) b) a seven months pregnant who mysteriously wake up without being pregnant anymore c) video definition of a douchebag (a low intelligence man behaving ridiculously who believes that he is the center of the world). he belonged in the category of those who put a camera in your face and speak in the microphone from the moment they wake d) something between paranormal activity(1,2,3,4,5) and blair witch project(1999) (i didn't watch this channel for more than 15 minutes)so don't expect chainsaws cutting (slowly but surely) through faces, legs etc (no stabbing and the only drop of blood that comes to sight is when the ex-pregnant nose bleeds) don't expect to laugh only in the first minutes (the douchebag can't stop messing with his friends throughout the film) so if you are in a mood of saying 'not much horror for me today' and you want to go to the rest room while the movie is playing and you can laugh watching a prick annoying and filming his company and also want something paranormal in the horizon then you have a movie to watch.