SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Hayleigh Joseph
This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Terribly directed and acted family conflict drama that would be rightly and completely forgotten if it did not contain Brad Pitt in the cast. He is extremely callow and still has a lot to learn here but at least his bland performance can be put down to the fact that he was still a beginner. Rick Schroder on the other hand is too old to be believable as a high school student and is awful and overwrought. Carrie Snodgrass is okay as the mom, unlike the rest of the dreadful supporting cast, but the script really doesn't give her much too work with. Speaking of the script it is full of huge holes of plausibility and lacks any kind of common sense. To top it all off the score is full of horrid ersatz hard rock. Don't bother.
I thought this film was great, it is a simple and emotional story based on two brothers, who both happen to be good looking and great actors. I really like Rick's performance in this and think he looks gorgeous!
Overall a great film and of course not forgetting Brad Pitt, who is always excellent! I definitely recommend this film if you are a fan of either Pitt or Schroder, or just want to chill out with a nice film (especially if you are female).
Michael O'Keefe
Not much to rave about unless you happen to be a Brad Pitt fan or a follower of Rick Schroder. The two play high school brothers that find some success on the track field. Pitt is trying to walk the straight and narrow; while Schroder is a reform school refugee. Otherwise this movie does good to hold interest against an after school TV movie. Carrie Snodgress plays the passive mother still grieving her husbands death. Thomas Mikal Ford is the "meaning well" track coach. Unrealistic casting hurts.
tim. jones
The snappiest thing about this film is the title. Two American teenage brothers, one a swat and a goody two shoes on the athletic track, and the other a rebellious delinquent (born on the wrong side of the tracks, get it?), end up at the same school after bad boy Billy (Rick Schroder) gets a second chance after a spell at a Borstal.Members of Billy's delinquent melee try to reclaim him for the bad side, but we all know that is not going to happen. Joe, the elder brother (Brad Pitt), is trying for a scholarship to a prestigious university by running a faster race than anyone else. This is where the story falls apart.Brad Pitt has by far the more convincing physique. Rick Schroder is good looking enough, provided he stops slicking his blond locks back with a cartload of grease, but he is no athlete. The clever cinematic device of dressing him in black shorts and shirt for the running sequences cannot hide the flab. The slow motion sections (a la Chariots of Fire) only accentuate this.Watch this if you want to see obviously twenty-something year olds trying to be school kids; if you enjoy folk belting round the running track; if you want to remind yourself of what Brad Pitt looked liked before he became a real actor.Two redeeming quotations from the film are "The only thing personal is the size of your d**k" and "I thought you were as straight as a virgin's d**k". Memorable because, as I remember, at the age the characters are supposed to be, these comments pepper every day conversation. That there are only two during the 1 hour 40 minutes is an indictment of authenticity.