Good start, but then it gets ruined
Brilliant and touching
Neive Bellamy
Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, followed by light, water, whales and a whole load of other shizz. Eventually, he created man in his own image. In time, man created Hollywood, and not long after that, the Italians created rip-offs. Adam and Eve Meet The Cannibals is the Italian answer to American 'loss of innocence' movies like The Blue Lagoon (1980) and Paradise (1982), the film following its photogenic titular couple (played by Mark Gregory of Bronx Warriors 1&2, and Andrea Goldman of nothing else) as they struggle to survive after being cast out of the Garden of Eden for sampling the forbidden fruit.The film is largely an excuse for directors Enzo Doria and Luigi Russo to show their stars in the buff; both Adam and Eve frolic buck naked, making this an equal opportunities exploitation flick—something for both men and women to enjoy. But being Italian rip-off movie-makers, they can't help but throw in lots of mind bogglingly daft nonsense, making their film an absolute hoot of biblical proportions. In addition to the copious nudity, viewers are also treated to a hilarious action scene inspired by Raiders of the Ark (a massive stop-motion boulder rolling after Adam and Eve in a display of pathetic special effects), a couple of dreadful animal attacks (a manky pterodactyl and a moth-eaten bear), a tribe of ape-men (and women), and, of course, the cannibals: a race of laughable pig-faced, ginger-haired creatures.Obviously, this is far from great cinema, and not really deserving of a very high rating, but for those who enjoy unadulterated trash, Adam and Eve Meet The Cannibals is a must-see.5.5/10 (rounded up to 6 for IMDb) for the bear and the prehistoric bird, and for Goldman, a terrible actress but very easy on the eye.
ADAM AND EVE MEET THE CANNIBALS is undoubtedly the weirdest Bible story you'll ever see. It's an Italian trash classic that manages to ride the wave of no less than four popular sub-genres of the era, a film that provides fitfully cheesy entertainment despite the many shortcomings of the production budget and script. It's one of those films that only true connoisseurs of trash cinema will enjoy, a so-bad-it's-good piece of filmmaking from Italy.The first genre is the mini-wave of 'back to nature' films that followed in the wake of the success of THE BLUE LAGOON. I haven't seen too many of these, but the directors had already made one rip-off (BLUE ISLAND) so I guess they were well versed to make this story. The second genre is the religious epic, although ADAM AND EVE MEET THE CANNIBALS is about as far away from any Bible story as THE TERMINATOR. The third genre is the prehistoric caveman epic, popular at the time with QUEST FOR FIRE and all of the inspirations that followed, not least the gory Italian rip-off MASTER OF THE WORLD. The fourth is the cannibal film, bizarrely enough.This film's plot starts off traditionally, with Eve being tempted by a serpent and having a bite of the apple. Once they're kicked out of the Garden of Eden, the weirdness begins. The story follows a journey narrative as the twosome meet various tribes and characters and undergo some bizarre experiences. There's a brief battle with a stop-motion Pterodactyl (!) and encounters with ferocious tigers and the like. A rolling boulder scene straight out of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK but with hilariously cheesy effects. An encounter with some Neanderthals and later a long passage involving jungle natives which directly references the Italian cannibal film genre of the 1970s. Add in rugged scenery (the whole thing was shot in the great outdoors) and the cheesiest song accompanying a sex scene this side of LUST FOR A VAMPIRE, and you have one memorably bad film. The actor playing Adam, Mark Gregory, was familiar from his roles in the various BRONX WARRIOR type films, while Eve's Andrea Goldman was a complete unknown, and it shows.
Yes, as the old song goes..."the stuff that your libel to read in the bible, it ain't necessarily so.." And at the start of the movie we find Adam, kind of a dufus actually, just wandering around alone in the Garden of Eden. One day he gets bored and forms a woman's body out of sand and, as it starts to rain, Adam gets on top of the sand. I was thinking', "Adam, what are you doin' on top of that sand??" But then the rain turns the sand into Eve. Both of them are in paradise, so they ain't wearing any clothes. Life is sort of just lovey-dovey, the leopards are friends with the know, paradise. Then, after their 1,000th time of watching a sunset after making love, Eve starts to get bored. wants a change, so she eats the forbidden fruit. She gets Adam to eat it too. Women! Always lead to fall of a good man, cause that's the way god planned it. After that life gets tough. Adam has to learn to kill animals and stuff. But this is the way things really went down 6,000 years ago. You don't have to read a book to learn history, just watch the movie.
BLUE PARADISE starts off in the beginning of time when God created Earth and the heavens. Adam, a young man born from a life-sized cocoon, spends his days yearning for a mate to share his time with. He creates a statuesque figure of a woman made with beach sand, but when rain pours onto his creation it reveals a woman underneath (!!!). Don't ask. This is of course, Eve. In a nutshell, she is tempted to eat the forbidden fruit because "she wants a change", from here on out our duo are thrust into obstacle after obstacle facing natural disasters, badly animated boulders, pteradactyls, and even a savage tribe of flesh-eating cavemen! For a film of it's type BLUE PARADISE is rather tame. There's a bit of violence here and there, but that isn't the main focus like so many of these 70s/80s Italian exploitation films. A rather wild experience it is, far ahead of it's time with good direction, tolerable acting, fantastic music, plenty of bright, colorful characters, quirky situations, and quite a bit of comedy thrown in as well - Eve nagging and complaining, the stock footage, the "boulder" scene - LOL! Worth a look for fans of the psychotronic and unusual.