I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Sadly Over-hyped
Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Hayleigh Joseph
This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
Now if you don't mind cliches, I guess you can have fun with this. If you like your 50 shades of whatever color is your special kind of kink, then you might enjoy it too. While I've only seen the first one of those (and did not read the books), I think comparing them is not that far out.There is a bit of flesh showing, though mostly without anything too much (except one scene I think), but that should not be the point you hold this movie accountable to. Even if it is the theme of the movie, which takes a very strange and even disturbing turn towards the end. Addiction is real and it's not wrong to seek professional help ... if nothing else, we know as much (or have learned that watching the movie?)
I read the book years ago. I recently heard that it was made into a movie and felt that I HAD to see it. I re-read the book (in 2 days) and watched the movie the following day so that all the details were fresh in my head.The movie is similar to the book but not enough like it. In the book she had 3 kids, and put her family above all, whereas in the Movie she only had 2 children which she neglected regularly. And her business did NOT struggle in the book, when she did go through hard time, she always appointed someone to handle things. She mentioned several times in the book how she needed to go home and cook dinner for her family, but in the movie she couldn't even make it to sports games?? They also skipped all the drama with her lovers ex girlfriend and what happened to her romantic fling with the female. They also completely eliminated their entire childhood story which was like 10 chapters in the book. Their childhood was part of what makes you fall in love with the characters.In addition, her Best Friend Brina was a Train Wreck in the book but was holding her down in the Movie and you couldn't really tell that she was her Best friend. We only know that because Brina stated it in conversation. They never did anything together in the movie. With that being said, there was No Brina Drama either. And for ANYONE who read the book, you know that is a big deal.The last thing I will say is that, in the movie they turned her into a scared women. In the book she was so edgy and ready to (smack a hoe), at the drop of a dime. She had one heck of a temper in the book. Yelp, not in the movie.All in All, I hated the movie because I know what it SHOULD have been like. If I had not read the book than I guess it would have been OK (6/10), but still not great.
Knox D Alford III (knoxiii)
It gives me no pleasure to write this review. I grew up being taught, if you can't say anything nice... I just feel compelled to save viewers time. If this saves money to put towards entertainment, all the better. The year is almost over and I have screened hundreds of movies. This ranks in the bottom three. You pick the category and it epically failed. Now, I have not read the book, and it must be good to be a bestseller. The film adaptation was a botched back-alley medical procedure. The female lead's attempt at showing the confidence & class of Kerry Washington in "Scandal" was like a remedial 2nd grader reciting Shakespeare with the passion evoked by a mandatory summer school class while all her friends got to go to Disney world for the month. Now, if you are a lady & attracted to the leading male, you may enjoy the sex scenes since the female lead is so enamored with a famous artist, at times she admits she is addicted & thus powerless in stopping a downward spiral of cheating on her arguably perfect husband. The movie seemed anti-feminist in that she could not control her behavior & was led strictly by selfish emotion or hormones. So, while the written word of the book might be a guilty pleasure for the reader, the portrayal on screen failed in believability, passion, and living up to an infinitesimal fraction of the best selling author's success. There were no bright spots, and it isn't worth the time to conduct an autopsy. I'm sure there is enough blame or accountability to go around. How this made it to select theaters will need to be dissected by the irresponsible studios that produced this epic, epic, grand implosion of what should have been a highly profitable adaptation of a bestselling author's hard work. Please save your money, your irreplaceable time and yourself. Virtually any B movie offers much more. Knox D. Alford, III
Melody Newman
For anyone who has actually read the book, you may find that the movie is much different. In other adaptations of books we find that directors like to alter the story-lines and keep certain elements, much like this film directed by Billie Woodruff. The movie contained the major elements from the book. I.E a great home, great career, and great family, yet the main character yearned for something more. But, after waiting years for Addicted to be adapted into a movie, I was highly disappointed to see the major changes made to the character Quinton Canosa, who was supposed to be a strong black artist,but played by William Levy. Please do not get me wrong, he changed my view of the character. However. I yearned to see a Blair Underwood, Morris Chestnut, or Idris Elba, play the part. Beyond that, Billie Woodruff did a good job. I worried that in hopes to draw in a broader audience, he tried not to steer too close to a complete African American film, like any of the Tyler Perry films. However, I feel as though the movie would've helped the audience connect better, if it had just been portrayed more like the book. "Addicted" reminded me a lot of Obsessed (2009) with Beyonce and Idris Alba, despite the obvious differences. My point being we yearned to see more, to feel more what the characters felt, and just couldn't get all the way there.I do hope that someone will remake Addicted, and follow the books structure next time. It was truly was a beautiful story, a tale of a women who has everything she could ask for, but not what she thinks she needs. A story of finding what you think you need and realizing what you have. A true case of the movie never captures the true essence of the book. Say what you will but I think they could've done much better.