
2006 "Getting caught is the least of their fears."
3| 1h20m| R| en

Urban Exploration. The practice of investigating areas not designed for public use. But strange things can happen in the dark, closed-off areas of history beneath the streets of Moscow, and what started as a way for Nate to escape his grief quickly turns into a journey that forces him to confront it head-on, with nothing less than his eternal destiny hanging in the balance.


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Pray For Rain Pictures


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WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Steineded How sad is this?
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
rwagn-620-792438 What a terrible waste of time, effort and money. Save yourself the excruciating frustration and run, run away from this film. An absolute piece of malarky not worthy of the celluloid it rests within. All of the enlightened reviewers who find cosmic awareness and answers in this mess are just fooling themselves. Don't get me wrong. I love "difficult" movies. This however is not one of them. I concur with a prior reviewer who stated it appears somebody was locked in an editing room and not allowed to leave until they concocted something that ran 90 minutes. What's wrong? A crappy script you can see coming from almost the beginning, bad acting, horrendous camera angles (note: pretentious camera angles do not make poop like this into art), really bad music that sounds like outtakes from a rave and the fact that somebody somewhere greenlighted this atrocity. Not a so-bad-it's-good type film. Pass on this unless you have a masochistic streak or more time to waste than I do.
Film Watchin Fool Watch this don't oppose excessive shaky camera work, blaring music every few minutes, questionable cinematography, and strange storytelling. Some may find this movie great, but I think they are in the minority.Acting/Casting: 5* - This is the one area of the film that I thought was average. The actors are second rate, but do an average job and don't stand out as being terrible. Nothing great, but just average work here.Directing/Cinematography/Technical: 2* - Let's not confuse good cinematography with cinematography that greatly takes away from the film. While some movies capture the chaos with their camera work and music, this movie just makes it aggravating. The flashback scenes are blared with white contrast to the point that it hurts your eyes and you can't see what is taking place. I can write a book about this category, but I will leave it as one word - UNFORTUNATE.Plot/Characters: 2* - The movie starts well and grabs your attention, but ends up taking you on a journey of ridiculousness. Prepare to be confused for a while and although some sense is made in the end, I wouldn't say that all of it is necessary or has relevance. An avid film watcher could tell you how this movie was going to end 2/3 of the way through, but only because that was the only thing that could marginally save the film.Entertainment Value: 3* - It starts well, but ends disappointing. There is a reason it has a 3.2 rating and it isn't because people "don't get it". Some do "get it" and just think it isn't very good.My Score: 5+2+2+3 = 12/4 = 3.0Email your thoughts to
dparrott79 The director over used funky lighting effects and camera angles. My girlfriend and I both got headaches from it. I didn't really see the reason for their overuse.It was also hard to follow. People were appearing and disappearing, things were happening randomly - it just really didn't make much sense. I turned it off after a while. I don't care if I didn't get it or whatever, because I don't really think this movie is worth a terrible headache.To get a similar effect, sit in a dark room, turn on a strobe light and try to read a book in a foreign language.
Nathaniel_William As a True urban explorer i can say this movie is anything but true to urban exploring and completely unrealistic. If you have been urban exploring watch this movie and you'll know what I'm talking about. However if you've never been urban exploring DO NOT use this as a reference on how to do it as it is anything but accurate. To see what true raw undramatized urban exploring is just go search the web for urban exploring and you'll see what I mean...Urban Exploration is the exploring of areas that have been lost to society or abandoned and hidden to the world that no one knows about (except maybe the homeless) including tunnels yes so i will give the movie credit for that and the fact that you do have to have the proper equipment and research prior to going but not on the level of the equipment they carried...I mean who the hell carries a radiation detector on them...and they didn't have a respirator mask and they were also very careless with the use of their equipment especially flashlights waving them around in the open for police and others to spot them...and i have never heard of anyone using a body bag on an exploration as equipment...and in no way is urb-ex as described: "Urban Explorers are extreme sports' answer to computer hackers" it is not an extreme sport and does not involve base jumping ever, thats not a good way to escape the cops because you will be caught...base jumping is not urban exploring!!! Although it is true, urban exploring can be a dangerous hobby, it in NO WAY would ever present dangerous settings as the ones depicted in the film (i.e. - radiation) unless you reside or explore in a nuclear war-zone or in a area suspected of such conditions. thats what the research is for. Asbestos poisoning is a much bigger threat than radiation...It starts out with the explorers jumping out of a van and running out in the open to a small hole in the wall of a building with loads of gear on and super bright flashlights on their heads...because that wouldn't draw attention!!! and basically, without giving too much away...the plot does not tie together well mostly due to the fact there is a cut scene/shot every 3-5 seconds of the film including flash backs every other shot. as a matter of fact the plot is very vague and only implied. Unless you do some really powerful hallucinogenic drugs before exploring it will be nothing like the film. The main thing that made me upset about this movie was that it was a disappointment and let down as it claimed to be the essence of urban exploring but in many cases was not and was a total dramatization and blown ridiculously way out of proportion and in the long run turned out to be nothing about it in the final conclusion. This movie was just made (in my opinion) to try and scare people from going exploring and prevent illegal trespassing and encourage the safe tourism of historical landmarks open to public (partially because of the clips in the credits) but who knows, maybe it was meant to encourage urb-ex to find out whats really out there...or where you really are!!??? i think...On one last final note: I will say that it had a very interesting attempt to jazz up the hobby and make it seem more hardcore than it really is although in some areas it can, like the movie suggests, be highly dangerous and precautions should be highly taken into consideration...