After Fall, Winter

6.4| 2h10m| en

A dangerous, sexy, poignant and at times darkly funny story about two people who desperately want intimacy but have fashioned lives of reclusivity and emotional fracture which ultimately spells the doom of their great love.


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Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Mike Allen The film captured my interest one morning before work, as do all films set in Paris. I love film noir which this has some traits of, even though I can't relate to a down and out writer, who likes to be tied up and spanked, but it is counter-culture for sure. The female lead was much better in her portrayal of the dominatrix with a soft spot for a terminally ill child she cared for in a hospice? The plot was all over the place with the introduction of her mother who was mentally ill and beaten by her husband. However, this could have been a good movie if there was some shred of redemption or salvation at it's end. Terrible ending, with no satisfaction for having wasted 90 minutes of my life!
micway1971 In order to fully appreciate this movie I personally feel you should have seen Fall first. I guess After Fall, Winter could be considered a sequel NOT that it is fully presented that way. Fall was absolutely wonderful in my opinion and reviewers on amazon support my opinion of it. I will tell you about first briefly to line up my quick review of After Fall. Fall Premise: NY cab driver/ writer who meets a fashion model who is married and they have a steamy affair which turns into love. It is a dialog driven movie with a unique character study. I will not tell how it ends, but came out in 1996-97 if I recall correctly and leaves the viewer to decide the outcome.Which leads us to After Fall, Winter. The whole idea about watching Fall to begin with gives you a better understanding of the character MIchael Shiver in both movies. It shows what became of him some 15 years later of after Fall. I will not go into detail about my review because if you loved Fall, I do not want to give anything away. Watch with an open mind. With all that said, this movie could be a stand alone movie and understood.In a way I was left disappointed with the ending, but on the other hand I wasn't because it shows you what love does to you and what MIchael turned out to become. If you ever have loved deeply both of these movies NEED to be watched. After Fall was not as good as Fall, but it was good. If you try and pick this movie apart it will ruin the experience. Yes some of it is far fetched, but what movie is not most of the time?
Astraether I was flipping around one night and caught the second half of this film, so admittedly I haven't seen it from the beginning. I was immediately captivated by the dialogue and chemistry between the two leads. Or rather, I was captivated by Lizzie Brocheré's performance, and I got drawn into the burgeoning relationship between these two flawed people. It reminded me a little of "Before Sunrise," one of my favorite romantic films, for its honest, realistic dialogue and the way you get to "fall in love" right along with these two.*** May Contain Spoilers *** I was hopeful about the aspects of BDSM, thinking the film might try and treat the subject with realism and sensitivity--unfortunately, instead, those elements just seemed to turn into a plot vehicle at the end. And the end... ugh. If this had been a book I would have chucked it across the room. It just turned so ridiculously melodramatic and silly. I can see what the writer intended--another tragic take on "Romeo and Juliet," but it just didn't fly with me. And the implication that BDSM led them down that path is just insulting, to paraphrase what another reviewer said. Overall, I gave it a 6. The dialogue and performances kept me engaged, and I was pleased to see such range in Lizzie Brocheré, whom I'd seen only in "American Horror Story" previously. I hope she goes on to bigger and better things--she deserves it. The writer/director/star, Eric Schaeffer, well, he should maybe get back to writing some more, and come up with his own endings instead of ripping off Shakespeare, and not in a good way.
htblue71-286-7687 Being a fan of Eric Schaeffer movie since (If Lucy Fell).I never know what to expect with his movies. So I wasn't disappointed with charmingly bitter sweet and very edgy movie. We see Michael Shiver character from his Eric's movie Fall. Many years later and thousands of dollars in debt.Michael ends up in lovely Paris (which the city is a character all on it's own).Where he on a path getting his life back on track. But his inner masochistic demons tend to show up and make it impossible to have the love his so wants. He meets a complicatedly distant Parisian women and here ensues the dark and edgy love story. Eric's performance is raw and gritty.He has honest approach to love and life with his writing. And sheds light on misunderstood world of BDSM and what motivates someone to delve into that so recklessly. A not your run of the mill love story and it will stick with you for a long time after you watch it.