Stylish but barely mediocre overall
Masterful Movie
Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Our Protagonist is both an idiot and an unsympathetic moron. It absolutely blows my mind why this character would be written by this. This is not a "character study". The Direction and Performances present him as a "family man" and a "loving dad", while the writing portrays him as a sociopath. Meshed together, it makes a sickeningly stupid film.
In an age of despair and poverty why is it the film makers continue to churn out desperately sad and lugubrious movies like these I don't know!Yes the film explores what its like to be unemployed with a wife and kids losing your house and the need for some to resort to crime , I have been there myself but its not really the sort of movie I want to be watching.Maybe its just me but i want to come out of the cinema like I used to in what i call the good old days when you came out feeling enervated , uplifted and positive about life.If you are into this sort of depressing , dull and real life scenario then I guess you will enjoy it but for me its too close to home and doesn't leave the viewer with a positive outlook on life, so if you are depressed and sad or your life isn't going well I wouldn't watch this as you may be reaching for the razor!
First off I'd like to point out that the poster is clearly trying to make this look like a action-movie which is so far from what this is.The poster seem to try to sell it as a new 'ASSAULT ON WALLSTREET (2013)' or something, and although there are some similarities between the two (both about 2 down on their luck men that lose their job and their mental state goes on a downward spiral) the approach and resolution is completely different.Won't go into any details but yeah if you're watching it and waiting for some kick ass action to kick off you'll most likely be a bit disappointed.I can't go into details without starting to spoil stuff so I'll just say that the movie-direction is a bit 'dreamy' at times like a little vague, even though the actual plot is fairly simple.It doesn't come together 100% but the good outweighs the bad, Wes Bentley is fairly good but Jason Isaacs is probably the best actor of the film and helps carry the film back up from the ground occasionally by just delivering a natural and charismatic performance.
Enjoyable throughout, each character is portrayed with quality and skill, even those with small rolls enhanced the film with realism.Cinematography, direction production, all very skillful, although I can't claim to understand everything, particularly the Coyote and the meandering shots of wilderness on the horizon. Thought provoking and challenging, the film continues to ask questions long after the final credits roll.*slight spoiler* The main characters journey through conformity through liberation, and then ultimate responsibility is a refreshing change from the all too often one dimensional 'stars' today.