
3.7| 1h38m| PG| en

When wealthy executive Raymond Stone sends out his private plane to pick up his spoiled teenage daughter, Nicole, and a pair of his top-ranking employees, disaster strikes. While the jet flies through an electrical storm, the pilot and other passengers are incapacitated, and Nicole is left on her own to keep the plane in the air, guided by an air traffic controller. Can the irresponsible and panic-stricken teen find a way to land the jet?


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Mjeteconer Just perfect...
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
sullivanjimmy46 I watched this film last night and I got to say...What a fricken bad film. This is probably the worst and most boring film ever! I fell asleep 10 minutes into it, and woke up at the very end of it. I saw this film again today and I actually watched the whole thing in disbelief, what a shitty film. What demented people would waste money and effort on a film such as "Airspeed" and actually put it into theaters? I've seen films with the same exact story line and I had a much better time watching it. Steven Seagal's "Attack Force" is better than this, and that is a bad film. Stay far away from this film unless you like "Joe Mantegna", but even he couldn't save this. 1/10 stars.~~Jimmy
ohickadee52 Well... I was up early and channel surfing when I came across this movie. No wonder they show it during off hours. It is pathetic and clear that it was produced on a very low budget. One might think the acting was so awful that the actors needed a refresher course in acting, but in reality, I think the blame really falls on a bad script and whoever directed and produced the film.An example of this would be when the girl lands the plane. The plane is fast approaching the runway and the camera cuts to her parents and tower crew as they watch her singlehandedly try to land and stop this fast moving plane. They stand there and watch the plane soar past them but their heads never shift with the plane as it passes by them at breakneck speed. Instead, they stand there staring straight ahead - eyes focused, never moving with the moving plane. If I were asked whether I recommend this - I would say don't waste your time, however, that said - there are people who have enjoyed it so in the end I guess it is in the eye of the beholder.
bigjoel19 Elisha Cuthbert is an fantastic actress in this movie, This is the only movie that really made me cry at the end. I was crying with Elisha until the credits The funniest part though was when she was landing the plane and cried "oh s***" right before the plane touched the ground. This is the only film that may not be entertainment to a lot of people, but I cry every time I watch the movie. There isn't anything much more I have to say about the movie but I think If they try the movie again It may be a success with a slightly different storyline. The story line in Airspeed was too predictable and nobody watches predictable. Also they should have added to the ending of at least an hour or two.
insidegarden Wowwwwwwwww, what a great great movie!!!! I think this is the best movie that I have ever seen... You know, I only watch crap movies, so thats why I like it so much. It absolutely one of my favorites together with, roadhouse, the postman and the giant spider invasion!! But what I really love is the reaction down below of this certain person called 'StakeNCross ([email protected])'. I just want to thank this person for making everything around this movie complete. The comment of StakeNCross was the only factor that was missing, a dumb stupid idiot that really thinks the movie is of a good quality.... oh.... thanks again!! Also love the reaction of Ian Witham, well the only thing I want to add to that comment is that it is also a shame the heroine didn't use the baseball bat on StakeNCross!!!!If someone knows any other movies that are made by this director? Please let me know!!!