Aleksandr's Price

2013 "Love isn't free."
4.9| 1h48m| en

The life of an illegal Russian boy who, after losing his family, is pushed into becoming an escort - ultimately trying to come to terms with who he thinks he is.


Producted By

Maso & Co Productions


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Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
steveparis-54598 This has got to be the worse movie ever! This movie tries to make you feel bad for this guy, but you do not. You actually wish that he'd kill himself. From the beginning, this movie is pathetic and so annoying. Aleksander puts himself is the most stupid situations and then blames everybody else. All throughout the movie, you will catch yourself saying "Really???". Every time he opens his mouth, you'll be like "Really????". I so wish he had killed himself from the get-go, it would have saved me time. This guys is not even that cute to feel bad about. And his accent, the way he talks is so annoying as well. No emotions really in his voice. The ending is totally wasted, like my time watching this stupidity.
marfalej A moving story about Aleksandr (Pau Maso who is so good in this film) a young Russian who is illegally bought to New York (USA) by his suicidal mother and a sister who ran away with all their money when their mother died......So he has to fend for himself and in the process become a male whore......It's also a story of longing for love, shame of being paid for the first time when he thought the very first man to f*** him would take care of him, unknowing incest (watch this and you know what i meant)My heart went out for Aleksandr especially every time he masturbate when he is depressed (one would not find this erotic but wrenching)Pau Maso can write, co-direct and act in front of the camera well and this is where he is different from Todd Verow (who have more trashy films especially when he's starring in it than the okay ones) and actor/writer Matt Riddlehoover who's being compared to Woody Allen which is an insult to Allen (There is only one IMDb user who gave positive reviews to his movies)
Falconeer Before watching this film, "Aleksandr's Price," I was expecting a typical gay themed film with a lot of exploitative sex and nudity, and little else. This is nothing of the kind. Instead we have a brilliant character study, of a Russian immigrant being slowly destroyed by the harsh NYC hustling scene. Having seen many films on the subject of prostitution, i cannot remember any other film that so accurately documents what this lifestyle does to the human soul and sense of self-worth. Aleksandr is a young, and very naive Russian immigrant, who finds himself alone in a big, harsh city, after his mother commits suicide. Aleksandr is an illegal alien, unable to secure a legal means of income. It doesn't help that he has no friends to guide him or help him out. Being very good looking, he soon finds himself in a job as a go-go dancer in an NYC gay bar. When a man takes him home for a night of sex, Aleksandr is both surprised and disgusted when the man hands him an envelope with $500 inside, and promptly kicks him out. This is where the fascinating psychological study comes into play. After being abandoned by his father, and then told by his mother that he is worthless garbage who ruined her life, Aleksandr is desperate for someone..anyone to care about him, or to recognize some worth in him. Sadly, the kind of love or friendship that he searches for is not to be found in the world of prostitution. For Aleksandr meets an unending stream of the most vile, jaded men you can imagine. And with each humiliation, his sanity slips away, along with his sense of self, until he no longer believes that he is worthy of anybody or anything. After a while, he becomes addicted to the sex, and the rejection, until he comes to the point where he becomes sexually aroused by the abuse, and by the idea that he somehow deserves this vile treatment.This pattern is so accurate; prostitution often leads to self loathing, and self annihilation. The tag line for this film is "Love isn't free," but the truth is, money isn't free either. It comes at a very steep price. I was really amazed that this film touched on all these facts, and it did it without being the least bit exploitative; the sex scenes, of which there are many, are filmed in a way in which the viewer doesn't see anything 'sexy.' Rather than showing naked bodies, the camera focuses on facial expressions, and the least erotic elements of sex. It focuses on the pain and sadness of the act, the psychological aspects of sex for cash. I'm not quite sure who the intended audience for this film is; I can't imagine many gay men liking this film, as there is such a lack of eroticism. not to mention the way the gay scene is portrayed here is very negative; every gay character is the most vile, reprehensible pig imaginable. In fact the gay scene is shown as downright evil. I don't know what to make of that. But at last here is a film with gay themes (it is not really a "gay" film, and Aleksandr's own sexual orientation isn't ever clearly defined) that can be watched by straight guys; the kind of sex in this film is not the kind that would make a straight guy uncomfortable to watch. "Aleksandr's Price" is a low budget film that is every bit as good as "Shame," starring Michael Fassbender, another film that deals with similar issues. I recommend this film highly, for viewers that can deal with dark subject matter; and this one is very dark, and totally devoid of humour or hope. But it's the most "real" film I have seen on the subject of prostitution.
dase67 WARNING: SPOILERS.Incredible and compelling character study about a young Russian immigrant man (Masó, in an unforgettable performance) who is forced into the world of male prostitution, while trying to cope with his inner demons.Since "Midnight Cowboy" (1969) I hadn't seen a movie that completely draw my attention due to the main characters (I'm an action films fan) development, and Masó is very impressive in his film debut (his mainstream film debut as he made a pretty good experimental film called "Haunted Poland" before) as the naive Aleksandr who succumbs (Literally) to the dark side of his personality, the "Mr. Hyde" that every human has inside.Masó carries the film well (I'm sure he'll be starring in mainstream films very soon), both as an actor, director and editor, according to IMDb, for which he delivers tremendously good. This was shoot on a shoestring budget, and it's admirable how it looks like a million dollar flick, with excellent music and photography. The supporting cast is very good, with special mention to Keith Dougherty, as the kind hearted Tom.Even though it's a great film, it's not for all tastes, as some scenes may be too hard for some viewers, most of them are completely justified to feel the descent to hell of Aleksandr, so you can relate to this poor man's pleas. The shocking ending will haunt you a long time afterwards. For discerning and adult viewers.