Alien 2: On Earth

3.7| 1h25m| en

A group of cave explorers are confronted in an underground cavern by a mysterious living rock. Little do they know that it bears home to deadly, flesh-eating creatures, intent on wiping out the entire human population. An ultra low-budget, unofficial and unauthorized sequel to the 1979 film Alien, although the plot has little connection to the original film.


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Peereddi I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
udar55 The first hour of this film is so painfully slow that it took me over 10 years to finish it. I'm not kidding. I've had this on VHS since the mid-90s and every time I tried to watch it, I would give up. 1980 was a banner year for Italians doing ripoffs as the film world received ZOMBI 2 (aka ZOMBIE) and this "sequel" to ALIEN. Of course, the Italians wisely set it on earth, something the ALIEN series has been trying to do for almost 30 years now.Three astronauts return to earth in a space capsule, but are all mysteriously missing when the device is recovered at sea. For some reason, this doesn't sit well with psychic Thelma (Belinda Mayne) but it doesn't prevent her from going spelunking with her friends. Along the way to the caves, Burt (Michele Soavi) picks up a curious looking rock which is actually an alien lifeform that spread over the desert upon the astronauts' re-entry. The group heads into the caves and, before you can scream THE DESCENT, find themselves getting bloodied up by our rock monster.The last half hour or so is decent when the space monster finally attacks. Director Ciro Ippolito is someone whose work I am unfamiliar with. He certainly throws the gore around in parts but I can only imagine what a seasoned Italian exploiter would have done with this in the first hour. For some reason, Ippolito is intent on trying to make a bowling alley the scariest place on earth in the finale. He fails. The film does end on a grim note and the scenes of the lead actress running around a deserted San Diego, CA are pretty effective. The film concludes with the on screen line " may be next!" Gutterball.
Woodyanders A surprisingly groovy, frenetic and fairly suspenseful subterranean creature feature earthbound "ALIEN" swipe about these ravenous shape-changing extraterrestrial rock monsters which prey upon a vapid assortment of spelunking youths exploring a deep, dark, dank remote cave. The ham-fisted direction, tin-eared dialogue ("Even he can't stop the monsters"), the cramped, creepy, claustrophobic cavern setting that's nicely redolent of both "The Boogens" and "The Descent," a throbbing Goblinesque score by Oliver Onions (who also supplied the rousing music for the snazzy, stirring post-nuke sci-fi/action zinger "2019: After the Fall of New York"), an incomprehensible, logic-defying narrative, the gorgeous, bewitching brunette Belinda Mayne's perky portrayal of the hypersensitive psychic heroine, the tacky special effects, the righteously gruesome gore, the generally flat acting from a non-star cast, an occasional sappy pop ballad blasting on the soundtrack, a hilariously idiotic climactic chase sequence which takes place in an abandoned bowling alley, future Italian horror film director Michele ("Stagefright," "The Church") Soavi as one of the dumbbell kids, a light sprinkling of charmingly unnecessary filler (i.e., faded, worn-out newsreel footage, a needless scene depicting a jeep pulling out of a garage and driving down the street, etc.) and a side-splitting concluding on-screen title statement which ominously proclaims that "YOU MAY BE NEXT!" all make this shamefully ignored hoot an extremely tasty and tantalizing slice of lovably shoddy and stupid spaghetti splatter schlock.
Paul Andrews The version I watched was a UK tape called Alien Terror. A couple named Thelma (Belinda Mayne) and Roy (Mark Bodin) are keen potholers and along with six of their friends, Bert (Michele Soavi) Maureen (Judy Perrin, this is where the credit information on the IMDb stops and the film doesn't list the characters on the credits), Jill, Bill, Cliff and Rod are planning a weekend exploring some caves somewhere in the Californian wilderness. As they drive out of the city (the closing credits mentions San Diego so maybe that's where these city shots were filmed) the local T.V. and radio news shows report that a space capsule returning from space has crash landed in the Ocean and it's crew are missing. The potholers stop at a roadside café and Bert (the idiot of the group) takes a slash against a wall and notices a strange blue football sized rock, he picks it up and gives it to Thelma, oh and by the way Thelma is a psychic and she has a 'bad' feeling. Once deep inside the cave they all have a good time until Jill and Thelma goes off on their own. Jill notices the blue thing in Thelma's rucksack is pulsating. Jill grabs it and has a closer look, it bursts open and something attach's itself to her face. Next thing we know Thelma is screaming for help, she explains to the others that Jill has fallen off a ledge and is lying hurt at the bottom. Everyone rushes to help her. Rod is left up top to operate the stretcher and crane to lift her up. Once Jill is up top her face splits open and a snake like alien thing emerges. Rod is taken by surprise and the alien attach's itself to his throat. Rod falls back and his feet get caught in some rope, as he hangs there over the edge the alien does something that makes his head fall off. The others below watching this are understandably shaken and even worse are trapped in the lower levels of the cave. They must use all their experience and know how to find a way out and survive the Alien Terror!Written, produced and directed by Ciro Ippolito under the pseudonym Sam Cromwell, rumour has it Umberto Lenzi might have been involved too. I have to admit I actually quite liked it, it has it's faults for sure and it certainly isn't a masterpiece but for what it was I thought it was an hour and a half well spent. The script drags a little in places and some of the dialogue is as absurd as we've come to expect from these 80's Italian produced low-budget horror films, but that's half their charm and entertainment. The ending was strange and somewhat of a let-down, nothing is really explained or concluded properly and just sort of ends suddenly it also went on for too long and would have been better served a few minutes shorter, Thelma's apparent psychic powers are never really made use of except her 'feelings' that she has. I liked the cave setting, I thought it was quite unusual and for the most part helped to create an atmosphere of isolation. The acting isn't up to much but then I didn't really expect it to be. There is some pretty good gore sequences in this too, Rods head oozing off and some of his insides following it down out of his neck stump is a definite highlight as is Jills face splitting open just prior, the special make-up effects are decent enough too. The aliens themselves are never really seen in their entirety, I felt there should be a big alien at the end (we get an alien point-of-view camera shot that towers above Thelma) but we never see 'it'. Mostly they look like mutant snake things. A special mention goes to Guido De Angelis & Maurizio De Angelis who provide the music and hide under the wonderful pseudonym of Oliver Onions! I don't really know why but this is one of those films that should be absolutely awful, and probably is to most people, but for some unexplainable reason I liked it. It's a film that for me has a indefinable 'X' factor. Impossible to recommend to the casual viewer and it's probably quite difficult to track down, but there are much worse out there.
ephadden This was originally known as "Alien 2", but the only thing it has in common with the original "Alien" alien. Maybe they should have called it "Alien Too". In any case, they were sued to change the name, and this is grade-z crap under any title. A couple of astronauts are missing from a shuttle after its re-entry to earth, and mysterious blue "rocks" appear at the same time. Twenty-some pointless minutes later and a research crew is in an underground cave, with one of the blue rocks in tow. The dubs here are awful, especially the female protagonist, whose breathless delivery verges on vomit-inducing (which is more than can be said for the gore effects). I must admit, I did not watch the entire movie, as five minutes of it were spent making a sandwich while the movie wandered on aimlessly in the background. The best part is when a guy's head flies off while he's hanging upside down, and the head hits the earth with a resounding thud. That got a few chuckles out of me. The dialog is fittingly moronic. "How could those astronauts disappear?" asks one woman, "I wish I knew" responds her dim-witted compatriot, even though this is AFTER the aliens have already attacked them. Hmmm, maybe their disappearance has something to do with these dang aliens. Add in a cringe-worthy ending, complete with a " might be next!" warning and you have a competitor for worst movie of all time, in my humble opinion. This probably ended up as a MST3K episode (I wouldn't know, I hate that stupid show) but if it didn't, it is surely ripe for that treatment. Luckily this movie is long out of print, but if you do stumble upon it, heed my warning: AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!