Alien Hunter

2003 "Earth just got its final warning!"
5.1| 1h40m| R| en

Government agents find evidence of extraterrestrial life at the South Pole.


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Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Woodyanders An alien black box is found in a chunk of ice in the South Pole by a team of scientists conducting botanical experiments. Cryptologist Julian Rome (an excellent performance by the always dependable James Spader) gets sent down to decipher the code from said black box. However things go awry when the ice melts and the alien frozen inside is unleashed. Director Ron Krauss relates the absorbing story at a snappy pace, creates an intriguing air of mystery, makes good use of the desolate wintry setting, and generates plenty of tension. J.S. Cardone's smart and thoughtful script draws the characters with a pleasing amount of depth while providing a few nice twists before reaching a bravely ambiguous climax. The solid acting by the able cast keeps the picture humming: Janine Eser as Julian's snippy former old squeeze Dr. Kate Brecher, John Lynch as the sarcastic and antagonistic Dr. Michael Straub, Leslie Stefanson as the perky Nyla Olson, Aimee Graham as the cute Shelly Klein, Carl Lewis as the friendly Grisham, and Roy Dotrice as stern college dean Dr. John Bachman. Kudos are also in order for the nifty special effects, Darko Suvak's slick cinematography, and Tim Jones' moody score. Worth a watch.
JRmf This was an OK movie for sci-fi buffs looking to kill an hour and a half, but check your brain at the door, enjoy the ride and the SFX. The visuals of the alien spaceship are spectacular and some of the best I've seen.Numerous plot holes left a lot to be desired however, and ultimately a sense of dissatisfaction. Wasn't whatever was inside the alien shell supposed to facilitate the destruction of the whole Earth? So how come the survivors (those who weren't immediately killed by contact with it) were "beamed-up" into the alien ship into who-knows-where? The threatening looking alien in the shell turns out to be rather helpless and looking for support, and is quickly dispatched by a bullet or two. Staff at the base do briefly turn on one another but not in any really convincing way. The movie seems to be a hodge-podge of ET, Alien, Cocoon, The Thing...Not entirely hopeless and quite engaging at a superficial level, but not standing up to any serious inspection. 6/10
puppies Cheers! Surprisingly decent. A lot better than I expected from the title. Familiar science fiction themes from other movies rehashed, but handled well. I like the twists. I won't ruin the movie for you by discussing them. Decent performances from most of the actors and some good cgi. If your a science fiction fan than it is entertaining enough to sit through unlike a lot of stuff out there. Note - check out the appearance by Kier Dullea (2001 Space Odyssey) - Interesting choice. Bravo. J. Spader is good in it as expected. His character is similar to his Stargate character. If you are a fan of that then you should check this out as well. This film has a much darker tone to it reminiscent to The Thing.
Claudio Carvalho In 1947, in New Mexico, a radio operator receives a signal following patterns and while investigating the occurrence, he vanishes. In the present days, the same signal is transmitted from a base in Malvinas Island to United States of America, and a satellite captures images of a unknown object in Antartic. The cryptologist Julien Rome (James Spader) is invited to investigate the mystery in the South Pole, and he flies to a research base. While a team tries to open a weird shell probably from the outer space, Julien solves the message, indeed a distress signal ordering not to open the case. The writer of "Alien Hunter" used parts of many sci-fi movies ("The Thing", "Predator", "Alien", "Contact", "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", "X-Files", "Outbreak", "Alien Vs. Predator", just to list some of them), put them all in a mixer, but the result was a very disappointing low paced unoriginal collection of clichés. All the characters are non-charismatic, specially the nasty one performed by John Lynch, and James Spader does not have any chemistry with any woman. The performances are very "cold", and the actors and actresses seem to know that the movie is not good and do not show any enthusiasm. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): "Contato Alienígena" ("Alien Contact")