Alien Space Avenger

1989 "They can run, they can hide, they can kill, but will they die?"
4.9| 1h20m| NR| en

In 1939 a spaceship carrying four alien escaped prisoners crash-lands on Earth and the aliens take over the bodies of four locals. Fifty years later the aliens find out that an artist has written a comic book called "Space Avenger," which they believe is about them. They go to New York to try to kill the artist.


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Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
HeadlinesExotic Boring
ChampDavSlim The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
cry_wolf23 This movie was great when i was young and now that i am older i still like it.but now i am seeing some of the flaws like for example towards the beginning there is a sex scene with a blond and you can clearly see she still has her panties on.another thing i didn't notice(When i was Younger) is the guy from the classic nick game show "Legends of the hidden temple" is in this.Is it just me or is it kinda weird that he was the host of a kids TV show after this,i am sure he was in more than this and hidden temple but now i will always remember him for this role.what can i say this movie has everything.Comedy,bad acting,softcore sex and boobs,b-movie effects at their best gotta love this movie.i highly recommend it so you guys check it out
Hans-56 In the 1930's four aliens arrive on earth after having escaped from a prison planet. An intergalactic agent is on their trail. After killing some people in the 30's, they enter a kind of slumber in their spacecraft. Due to construction works, they are awakened in the 1980's. The mean infiltrators start killing again.A comic strip author unknowingly starts to turn their adventures into a comic book. So they go after him. But he gets help from the intergalactic agent and together they fight this threat to earth.Nothing special at all, but the story is quite well written, providing both jokes and action. The director does all he can and some actors even show talent.Many things don't make sense though. There are two 'sex scenes', both extremely soft core. In the first is the gorgeous Gina Mastrogiacomo. She has a delicious body indeed and acts well in both the sex scene and the action scenes. When it comes to the normal scenes, you can see she is not extremely talented. Anyway: her sex scene is mystifying indeed. In one shot she wears panties, in the next she isn't. Then she is wearing them again, but stepping out of bed we see her lovely ass. The movie really messes up here. And the way Prichard suddenly wears a towel in the scene right after the sex scene is just as amazing.There is a nice cameo of Jamie Gillis, the renounced porn star. He is a business man and becomes a client of one of the aliens, who is pretending to be a hooker. The very short sex scene that follows is extremely… let's say burning.Still this is a fine B-movie that can light up a rainy Sunday afternoon. I rate it 6 out of 10.
udar55 Four alien prisoners crash on Earth and inhabit the bodies of some 1930s teens. When an alien bounty hunter comes looking for them, the aliens hide in their spaceship for the next 50 years. Cut to the 1980s and a construction crew unearths the ship and releases the aliens still in their 30s human form. They head to NYC to get weapons and plutonium to fix their ship. They also catch the eye of Matt (Kirk Fogg), a comic book artist who makes these outcasts he sees briefly once the main characters of his new comic and his wild imagination depicts them as alien terrorists inhabiting the bodies of folks from the 30s. He's good! Of course, the aliens see this comic and get all angry. And, as if all these coincidences weren't enough, the bounty hunter alien inhabits Matt's girlfriend Ginny (Gina Mastrogiacomo).This tongue-in-cheek sci-fi flick won me over about midway through when two aliens descend upon a nuclear power plant and shoot over 30 people in the process. You have to love a film with so little respect for safety workers. Richard Haines directed this after SPLATTER UNIVERSITY (1984) and CLASS OF NUKE 'EM HIGH (1986) and his skills have improved somewhat; dramatically compared to SPLATTER. Despite not being made for Troma, the aroma is still there in the splatter, exploding heads, random nudity and slimy aliens. Lead Fogg looked so familiar and hitting the IMDb reminded me he was the host of the early 90s Nickelodeon game show LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE. Mastrogiacomo's next role, believe it or not, was a supporting turn in GOODFELLAS (1990), making one hell of a back-to-back movie role trivia. Robert Prichard is the lead bad alien and he was also in NUKE 'EM HIGH as Spike. Look for Jaime Gillis in a small role and a shot of the Roxy 4 movie theater offering VAMPIRE HOOKERS, DOLEMITE, HI-RIDERS and RUBY on the marquee.
Caligula226 A group of four aliens escape from prison and hide here on the planet Earth during the 1930s. After finding some guns and shooting people by the room-full, they decide to go back to their ship for a while(?). Fifty years later some construction workers dig up their ship, and they start killing again. Eventually some guy bases a comic book on them, and they think that it's been made by the aliens that chased them to Earth.The storyline is actually a bit better than it sounds, but not by much. They kill plenty of people and there are a couple of topless scenes, but nothing to really put this above the usual 1980s crap movies.