Alien Warrior

1986 "They fought him. But they couldn't stop him"
4.2| 1h40m| R| en

He’s the ALIEN WARRIOR - the mysterious defender of justice in a world of deceit, corruption and decay. He’s been sent to save the Earth from its impending ruin. Rugged BRETT CLARK (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Bachelor Party) stars as an interstellar being with superhuman powers sent to Earth to restore law and order. His mission takes him to the violent streets where the law means nothing. His quest begins! A confrontation with the dark side, the destructors of society. With his supernatural abilities and a growing legion of followers, he becomes the ALIEN WARRIOR!


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Also starring Pamela Saunders


TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Comeuppance Reviews Buddy (Clark) is an alien from another world. Imagine a cross between Tony Robbins, Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, James Brolin, Jesus, and Superman. Buddy is sent by his father to earth to find and eliminate "great evil". After looking around and asking people if they know where he can find great evil, he finds his niche in a skid row "reading room" where he puts his psychology skills to work. While simultaneously wooing the lovely Lora (Saunders), he also runs afoul of the personification of great evil - a pimp named Mr. One (De Morton). So while Buddy is transforming the mean streets of L.A. by turning gangbangers into devoted bookworms, Mr. One is trying to undo his handiwork - and he has a lot of cops and politicians right where he wants them. Naturally this leads to the ultimate showdown - will this ALIEN WARRIOR be the KING OF THE STREETS? (hey, I had to at least try to use both of the film's titles).Alien Warrior (we prefer the alternate title of King of the Streets, as it's more in keeping with the tone of our site) is an 80's gem that is well worth seeking out. Its sheer ridiculousness never fails to totally entertain. While it might not be quite at the level of a Miami Connection (1987), Samurai Cop (1991), Geteven (1993), or Deadly Prey (1987), it's damn close. Think of it as a second-round draft pick if they were forming teams of absurd, silly movies that you just have to love.The movie seems to be the end result of someone musing, "Man, I love that Paul Kersey character from Death Wish. You know the one thing that would make Paul Kersey better? If he was an ALIEN." And that's the good news - don't be scared off by any supposed "sci-fi" overtones, as there is minimal sci-fi.  What you do get are not one but two wacky alleyway fights, a bunch of blow-ups, shooting, racism, and adult sleaziness blithely mixed with childlike good-natured comedy.  There are plenty of genuine laugh out loud moments, but we're not sure if they were intentional. But it doesn't matter. Alien Warrior is 80's video store fun at its best.Brett Baxter Clark seemingly gives his all to the role, and perhaps delivers the performance of his career - though to be fair we haven't seen every movie of his, of course, but this towers over his roles in Delta Force Commando (1988) and even Shootfighter II (1995). It seems Clark really was on board with this bizarre mix of pop psychology, community improvement, and senseless violence. Let's not forget that he transports himself to earth using the power of his naked chest, and when he uses his healing powers to help a girl dying in the hospital, he implores her to "feel my beard". We don't think it's a spoiler to indicate that she makes a full recovery.And that's just the tip of the iceberg as far as the nonsensical pleasures Alien Warrior will provide for you if you give it a chance. We'd list more to entice you, but we don't want to spoil it for you.In the end, Alien Warrior will appeal most to 80's fans (there are arcades, break dancing, and synths on the soundtrack), and people with a taste for the silly and absurd. As of this writing there is no DVD or Blu-Ray release, but there really should be. See it if you can.
sandtwister101 I was in this movie back in the 80's as a teenager. It still haunts me today 25 years later. I was one of those black pimps the alien saved! Yes, it is true! Today, my life is full of alien thoughts of going back to the dark alley streets and saving the prostitutes and change the world one pimp at a time! Yes, I was......What a load of crap! Just like this movie: crap! I did see it in the 80's and remember it somewhat. Not long ago I thought about the worst movies I've seen and this has to be at the top. If you want to laugh, cry, and celebrate all during a movie, don't see this. Watch The Last Airbender. No, avoid that one too!
julio-com First off, the alien saves a little black boy as well as a Mexican, despite what the IMDb plot summary suggests. This film is the fulfillment of the purest of male fantsies, interracial rape. The main character in this film is a George Michaelesque dope, who doesn't understand primal human urges like drug abuse and murder. In fact, every time he uses violence to solve a problem he has an internal conflict that physically hinders him. What a square. In any case, my favorite scene is when he writes the gang members a letter stating if they want the 500 bucks they get from the Reading Center for protection they must meet with him. At the meeting he is surrounded by countless Chicano gangsters, but he keeps a cool head. In slow motion, he punches the wooden post of a stop sign that shatters upon contact. Then, still in slow motion, points at the leader of the gang and says, "Noooooooooooooooooooo, mooooooooooooore!" The gang members comply. Cool, right? The beauty of this film shows through in these simple solutions to social problems like prostitution and gang violence.
madewithchicken imagine if you took the Christ myth, mixed it with a healthy dose of porn, against a backdrop of bad sci-fi blackxploitation(brotha from another planet like) throw in a dash of after school special, and lots of really bad kung fu fighting. oh and some decent break dancing. with an awesome casio keyboard soundtrack.and some how they make this even worse than you could imagine. there are at least 4 rape scenes, at least one great car explosion, a buff black guy running around in his undies with an Uzi.add alcohol and this is the perfect movie.i mean lots and lots and lots of alcohol