Alive or Dead

3.1| 0h30m| en

While traveling down a desolate road, Maria comes upon an apparently abandoned school bus. A girl has written “Help Me” in one of the windows, and Maria quickly discovers the messy secrets that lie in the back of the bus. Maria soon finds herself hidden and trapped with the girl as the killer takes them on the ride of their lives. Their journey leads to a bizarre medieval castle nestled in the des



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Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
twiztidjuggalo_1872003 First off to the person under the name "serious laughter" your a complete moron girl or not I have met girls who love gore and guts and all that lovely stuff this movie was not scary it made no sense at all!! There was no real plot NOTHING was explained at all you have a fun tard for hillbilly who looks like something that escaped from the retard house and has either some serious anger issues and messed up on cocaine he is fatter than peter griffin at a cake factory but yet with 3 bullets in him something the doctor in the robe shot him up with,beat up he can run faster than a school bus!! How in the hell did that dude manage to get over to the original location of where that bus was found at the same time the girls did maybe 3 seconds after!!And the director is so poor at his job he stole a couple ideas from the hills have eyes flick!! WHAT!! No real plot and like maybe some others said if there was a twist there was a very poor attempt at it!! The girls can't act if their life depended on it corny jokes did not help them much either what kind of "slasher" film was this very minimal blood!!Just to finish this fast it is a worthless piece of trash and needs to be pulled
joemamaohio Maria (Ann Henson) is driving down a road when she comes across a bus with the words 'Help me' in blood on one of the windows. Inside she finds Sarah (Angelica May), a young woman who is bound to one of the seats. Before she could free her, they're transported to a castle, and when they think the danger is over, they soon discover that it's only begun.Horrible. Simply, easily, horrible. The acting was incredibly lame, the storyline was...well..flawed to say the least, and very little about this film made any sense whatsoever. Yet another low-budget horror flick provided by Lionsgate (I wonder why they keep producing such crap).
chriswatsonmail I agree with the other post - "not even worth checking out even if you like B movies". I just watched this movie and I honestly cannot remember ever seeing anything worse. The acting is not only pathetic but so unrealistic to the situation they are in it is unbelievable. Add to that no plot whatsoever and horrible dialouge.....I see this movie has a rating of 2.9 out of 10. That is the worst I have ever seen on IMDb and I can't for the life of me figure out how it is that high. This movie is a one....flat out awful in every department. I looked up the cast to see if anyone had ever worked on anything worth mentioning before...of course the answer was no. After being involved with this disaster I can't imagine anyone attached with this film will have an opportunity to work again.
SmartCritic This movie may be the most awful scary/horror film I can recall seeing. It's so bad it's forced me to write my first movie review. lol. Save your money!! I'm guessing their budget was around $100.00 to make the film. When I find movies like this that I've never seen, I go into the film with relatively low expectations. (Now if the film title were Hostel 2 or Saw 2, I'd go into the movie with some higher expectations naturally.)The first 15 minutes of the movie (leading up to the bus scene) I initially thought the movie might be half decent. Wrong. The killer makeup/costume were lame. Acting was atrocious. Most of all the writing was terrible. Avoid this movie, or recommend to someone you wish to tease.