Dreadfully Boring
Beautiful, moving film.
I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Benas Mcloughlin
Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Each scene just flows seamlessly into the next - what a script! And what casting! IF I had been an Academy voter that year, it would have been tough - Bette Davis in this, or Gloria Swanson. Some great lines that live on and on. My only minor quibble - Birdie (the great GREAT Thelma Ritter!)( is never seen or mentioned again after the party scene - what happened?
Friedan spoke of the "problem that has no name" — the demand of society that women give up the agency they had been demanded to accumulate to lubricate the wheels of the war machine with their factory work. No longer required as servants of warfare, they were supposed to be content with reclassification as unpaid and dependent family worker, because enough of "their men" had returned from abroad. As Smedley Butler so cuttingly detailed, war is a racket. When a racket moves an entire society then the sexes are going to get caught up. Hollywood, the propaganda vehicle in those days, needed to dress up the shabby role of "happy little housewife". And so, one sees slickly corrupted presentations of Friedan's problem. You see, feminists like Friedan also were part of the trap. Instead of being able to fully comprehend that egalitarian gay relationships are not a threat to the foundation of society (e.g. its war profiteering and other machinations), even those who recognized the problems inherent in withdrawing the newly-found agency of women had to decry them in order to put a nice sheen on the "institution" of heterosexual marriage. Why? Because they didn't understand that only a small percentage of people are gay enough to want serious gay relationships in the first place. Think I'm joking? The former PM of Australia stated with a straight face that same-sex marriages, if legal, threatened the extinction of humanity! The "logic" was that same-sex relationships, presumably because they're more egalitarian, were so attractive to most people that they would abandon heterosexual relationships that are about reproduction (for taxes and other resources). There are several failures of logic and examples of ignorance in the Howard claim but the bottom line is that All About Eve uses that very viewpoint as its foundation for dramatic conflict.The fight against the dreaded gayness causes all things to take place in this film. Eve's relentless hollow pursuance of stardom is due to her vapid lesbianism. She has no heart and seeks to put an award there. She and the gay man (critic) who she conspires with are "killers". In fact, she's not even fully human. She has a "feverish little brain" like a rat. She studies people, mechanically, like a serial killer — rather than a natural and warm woman who is interested in true love, what Margot transforms into. Lesbianism is just trickery, as when she and her lover conspired.Margot, the quintessential harpy of Greek myth, is tamed by a younger man. This flip in the gender roles is part of the cleverness of the trickery happening. The common assumption, that younger women belong with older men, is reversed, a seeming improvement for female agency that comes at greater cost — her career. That loss of career, not accidentally, comes with her affirming that older women should leave the business because they're not beautiful enough anymore. Gone is the Margot who doesn't care how young the woman in the part is because of her talent and ferocity. Replacing her is Grandma Channing, who will somehow remain enchanting to the younger man once she has given up all the feminine wiles that made her enchanting – like her fantastic acting and her grande dame exaggeration. Bill sees into her true heart, though — the soft warm fuzzy one that stays in the kitchen to bake muffins.Heterosexism has the word sexism in it for a reason. Almost no one uses the word for reasons, too. In this film, it is the tool for the promotion of sexism. The film's poster said it is about "women and their men". It's about the role of women now that their men are back from the abroad. That role is definitely not to be "strong women" who will be corrupted by lesbianism and the resulting feminist demands. It won't be to leave men floundering, bereft of female companionship, forced into the arms of other men — seeking art rather than child rearing. Make no mistake. The gay male character is purposefully put right next to Marilyn Monroe to make a point. His sophistication is shallow and self-defeating. Leads to a blind alley. By contrast, a virile red-blooded heterosexual man knows just how to treat a lady. The film is so slick that even Ebert was oblivious vis-à-vis that entire narrative is based on repudiating homosexuality (female agency being one of its symptoms) in favor of patriarchal heterosexual marriage. He gabbed about Channing as being a "universal type" and merely focused on mechanical aspects of filmmaking. People have been conditioned in the modes of seeing the world according to heterosexual patriarchal imperative. Also willful blindness? How any thinking viewer can miss obvious bits like Eve and another woman conspiring together and holding each other's bodies while doing it... Of course she was a lesbian! And, of course it's amusing to her for a gay man to claim that she's his property. It's amusing for a gay man to try to possess a woman in a patriarchal way. The perversion of the scene is obvious and intentional. Film cleverly lays out the Friedan problem in pretending that it's only a problem if one is gay. Reaffirms inferiority of feminine brain, when it comes to the Machivellian requirements of running the world; also shows gay man trying, and failing, to live up to duty as a man (woman under his control).Davis is wonderful, despite these themes. She was in love with "Bill" then. The writing is cute with cutting sophistication. I can't escape from all the clichés, stereotyping, and backward beliefs it promotes. Example: Plain folks have common sense to see through nonsense artsy types are tricked by. Although he wrote that Hollywood "needed to drop its vendetta against them", the best Mankiewicz manages to do in this film is not have gays kill themselves (i.e. the Children's Hour). It just shows that all that their "hearts"' desire is folly.
all what you suppose write about this film sounds fake. because it is more than a classic, a masterpiece or example of impeccable script and admirable performances. it is , sure, a film about show universe. about competition and envy and hate and transformations, about fundamental errors . but, first, it is a film about the love for yourself. egocentricity or selfishness or form of schizoid behavior. in fact, a film about solitude. the deeper and deeper solitude. and , across the decades, this film could become a mirror for yourself. or, only your reflection like in the story of Dorian Gray. because, at the first sigh, it is the image of a perfect mechanism, selecting the heroes by losers. in fact, "All about Eve" remains one of the most useful stories about life proposed by cinema ever.
Edgar Allan Pooh
. . . but Fox's "Best Picture" feature ALL ABOUT EVE proves that this is not the case. BEFORE President Obama was a foreign-born Muslim, BEFORE Global Warming was a Hoax, EVEN BEFORE Evolution was a Discredited Crackpot Theory, Fox's unique skill at fashioning self-fulfilling prophecies out of Thin Air is abundantly on display here in ALL ABOUT EVE. Even without the Gofundme Campaign that would be necessary for me to Encyclopedically document the dozens of Fake News Scoops in EVE (or the thousands riddling the entire Body of the Fox Film Corpus), consider these two Norma Jean moments from EVE calling out "Marilyn Monroe's" most famous co-star and spouse BY THEIR REAL LIFE NAMES!! About 56 minutes into EVE, Marilyn's character "Claudia" says that she'll sacrifice "anything" for Clark Gable, an eerie foreshadowing of the co-star she'd leave with a fatal heart attack after plaguing him through the filming of his final flick, THE MISFITS a decade AFTER this comment is made in EVE. Twelve minutes later, Fox insures that its Fake News about a false-fronted bimbo seducing and ruining America's top playwright (EVE's "Lloyd" character) is cemented into American Culture's REAL LIFE Future as Arthur Miller is mentioned BY NAME in front of Artie's Looming Femme Fatale, nee Norma Jean Mortenson. Of course, it goes without saying that EVE--nee "Gertrude Slojinski"--and her back-story dalliance with a Royal Family of American Booze is sly Fox's way of including Jack and Bobby Kennedy among Ms. Mortenson's long list of Real Life victims.