All Babes Want To Kill Me

2005 "Come Celebrate the Cruelty"
3.2| 1h22m| PG-13| en

A Martial Artist, afflicted with a disease that makes beautiful women want to kill him, goes on a suicide mission to find true love anyway.


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Also starring John F. Schaffer


Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Peter Penn The only reason that this movie is not yet on the IMDb Bottom 100 is because of electoral fraud from the producers. A fact even more obvious when you check the dates of the positive reviews. The movie was released 2005 and almost all of the the positive reviews are from 2002-2004.Someone wrote that you can only like this movie if you are an investor or younger than 8 years old. I'd say that if you remove the children younger than 8 that might be true. The movies does not contain one single laugh and it is prejudicial about race, gender, ethnicity, disability and so forth. It is truly as bad as it gets.
john-2266 For something with an IMDb keyword called "Cult Comedy", I really can't say that I laughed once during the whole movie. But I was smiling through most of it. Basically the whole movie concept was so unbelievable, it was a fairytale. Everything from living in Chinatown on a beautiful estate (laughable, if you've ever been to many Chinatown's in the world), to getting a disease that makes beautiful women want to kill you from eating paintchips, to being from a karate family in Chinatown (hehe), to being banished into the desert when you're a kid and eeking out a living by selling geodes on the road, to being attacked by an Indian tribe everyday while living in the desert, to that Indian tribe being a bunch of white guys in dime-store Indian outfits, to re-finding your true love via a car accident caused by your evil brother, to everything else in the movie... :) The writer even using the concept of eating paintchips when you're a kid and/or having an xray unit aimed at your groin for a long time ultimately causing mental retardation in your child.All in all, makes for a mediocre comedic fairytale.
trezzer ***THIS CONTAINS NO SPOILERS***clearly someone is abusing IMDb... I guess someone really wants to cover up how bad this movie is. Just look at the ratings and judge for your self. Original post follows: So sad it's not even amusing.If only this movie had the qualities of the typical low budget b-movie, one could have had some enjoyment from the poor effects, bad acting or other such mainstays of cult b-movies.This movie left me entirely indifferent the whole way through. Nothing is genuinely funny or bad enough to be mildly amusing. I've watched some really horrid movies - including Uwe Boll productions - but I've never felt as entirely indifferent to all parts of a movie as this.Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is a masterpiece next to this atrocity.
okbxr Yes, I know this movie is stupid, REALLY stupid, but I find it really funny.I saw the trailer, avoided it and then I was convinced into watching it at my friends house after she bought the DVD. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I mean laughing so hard I couldn't breathe laughing I think what makes the film so great is that it is so aware of how stupid it is, unlike most modern comedies which thinks we laugh at any old thing. I quote this film, "she sleep with all manner of salesmen!" There is not much to say about this film either you'll like it and laugh your butt off or hate it and think it is the death of cinema.

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