All Saints

6.2| 1h48m| PG| en

ALL SAINTS is based on the inspiring true story of salesman-turned-pastor Michael Spurlock, the tiny church he was ordered to shut down, and a group of refugees from Southeast Asia. Together, they risked everything to plant seeds for a future that might just save them all.


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TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Samuela55 All of the acting is good and I love John Corbett. Prior to watching this movie I knew nothing about the suffering of the Burmese Karen people and was educated about them by this movie. Unfortunately the ending of this movie is so depressing that I believe that this movie should not have been made about this situation.
Molongirl This a such a good true story on how a failing church is totally revitalised by the most unlikely of preachers and also how "community" can develop among the most unlikely groups of people. Cultural differences, age differences disappear as they work together toward a common goal. When a preacher is told to close a church and sell off the land it seems just another move in the downsizing of churches and their people. Then the miracle happens, no not the Hollywood "happy ever after" sort of miracle where all crops would be harvested, there would be no floods nor trucks impounded on a hot day, but the real miracle of people learning to listen to each other, to work together, to respect each other, to love each other. The speech by the Karen man to the church leaders is a focal point and grounded the movie, such a moving moment and so heart breaking, so well done.The simplicity and honesty of this speech helps the church leaders and us as viewers get a small glimpse of what others have suffered and what "mission"actually is. Each main character learns so much from the experience of trying to save the church and the movie demonstrates it well, the preacher, that sometimes we think God calls us to do something for a particular reason when in reality it is a totally different plan He has in mind. The church leaders learn to listen and one particular one hears again his call to ministry and lastly the ordinary people learn not to give up. A good story told well and with a sense of humour, do go and see this, you'll feel better for it.
celebration_kids This movie is based on a true story. I just saw it in the theater with my friend last night 9/1/17. It was the 2nd week of release and the theater was about 40% full, which was nice for a Christian movie. It's about a former paper salesman who has problems with authority. He's tossed in his salesman hat, for a pastorship in the Episcopal church. The Bishop Council start him off easy with a failing church in TN, of about a dozen people. He is meant to be a temporary fill-in while they get ready to sell off the property and close the church. However, he feels a connection and wants to do more than just close the doors and usher everyone out. He decides to hang some flyers around town inviting people in for those last few visits. Little does he know, real people in need are about to show up, and completely change his way of thinking. He and his family go on a journey that will bring them real connection. It's not easy, and God's ways are not always clear. It's not an over the top wow movie, but the quality is good and we both enjoyed this story. It's real life, and people striving to be better. I recommend it for adults. I doubt young kids would enjoy sitting through it for very long, but there's nothing bad in it if you choose to watch it with them. John Corbett is an enjoyable actor and elevates the movie. Barry Corbin plays a cantankerous long time local who also adds depth to the story. I thought they could have gone even further with his character. **SPOILERS FOLLOW** There were times in the movie when John Corbett looks pasty white out in the fields. I thought they were preparing him for a heart attack or something. But, no. That did not happen. The little boy was super pale (not tanned) which was not realistic for a kid supposedly working several days in the fields. He would either be burnt or tanned. So that's just a random detail that didn't fit the story I noticed. I found it interesting that a Bishop stepping down from his position, was enough to pay off the enormous mortgage of the church, and the debt that Rev. Spurlock had personally incurred in trying to save the church. It was commendable the Bishop choose to do so, but why are Bishops being paid that much to begin with? Food for thought. I also was bummed the Council choose to move him and his family away to NY at the end, and let a more seasoned pastor or reverend (?) take over. I know he has remained friends with that congregation, but still would have been nice to let him stay and grow with them. Just my opinion of course, and I realize God could use him anywhere. :)
jimjoachim-54265 saw this movie this morning thought provoking entertaining as a Christian makes me think what can I do for others highly recommend caused me to focus on GOD and serving others great music based on true story this is the focus of faith with different cultures blending & serving GOD & others