Excellent but underrated film
In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Tad Pole
. . . trying to see if they can Jibber Jabber in a foreign lingo too fast for subtitles in the "Queen's English" to keep up with, than CHARLOTTE & VERONIQUE (this short's on-screen title) probably will please you as much as that traditional French dish of "frog legs, snails, and poodle tails." Since the average life expectancy for G.O.P. American leaders has shot up to 93 thanks to "Jerry Ford" and 'Ronnie Reagan," if Leader Trump foregoes his option to join Presidents Putin, Kim, and Xi (of Russia, North Korea, and China, respectively) as Top Guns for Life, it raises the question of where he can best enjoy his many Golden Years of retirement. He'll still be a relatively young billionaire in 2025, and they're saying that 80 is the new 55. However, if Leader Trump settles down in the USA, greedy gals will be trying to gouge him for cash any time he so much as glances their way. However, CHARLOTTE & VERONIQUE reveals that French chicks EXPECT to be pawed, man-handled, and forcibly kissed by any pushy guy who happens by, especially if he makes at least a lame attempt at non-stop compulsive lying. Since CHARLOTTE & VERONIQUE encourage and laugh off such molestation on the part of an ugly tightwad stranger, just think of the Liberties French women will eagerly grant to the world's most famous Billionaire when he makes his beachhead "over there."
Horst in Translation ([email protected])
Can't say they didn't ask for it. This is a cute and quirky little B&W short film lasting roughly 20 minutes. 2 best friends who share an apartment together happen to run into the same boy on the very same day and after, initially, playing hard to get both agree on a date so they can see him again.Now, back at home they tell each other about their encounters without finding out what really is going on while playfully mocking the other's taste in men. There's one moment during the conversation where one girl asks the other what did he say and I expected either reciting the "Who planted the first trees in Paris"- or "Girls always have cousins"-lines, so they would finally see through it, but it's not happening. Instead they're joking around about fitting both their boyfriends into the same bed and going on a double date to the movies.So when will they find out and how long can Patrick keep up the juggling game. In the final scene we find out which of the girls he picks. Was it your favorite of the two?
bob the moo
Charlotte and Veronique are flatmates. One day they both go out separately and take lunch alone by the same park. Charlotte is approached and chatted up by a guy called Patrick and they agree to meet the next day. Later, Veronique is also approached by the same man and chatted up. When they get home they talk about their days and are amused to find that they both met men called Patrick on the same day but their respective beaus seem so very different they conclude that that must be the only connection.Godard's first short film set in Paris is also memorable for being the only time thus far that he has directed a film from someone else's script. The film is essentially a slight comedy about two women who meet the same guy without realising it and then go to meet each other's 'Patrick'. As a narrative it isn't amazing but it is enjoyable in its delivery if not its final substance. The script is well observed and is fun to watch as the two women are chatted up in an amusing and natural fashion. It may not end as well as I would have liked or have left me with any lasting impression but I enjoyed it while it was on and will come back to it at some point to rewatch it.The cast do very well to deliver the dialogue as if they were really these characters. Collette and Berger are good when separate and it is only when they share the screen in their flat that they come off rather flat and not as natural as they were alone. However I have never lived in a girl flat so maybe the giggling is how they are but they seemed realer when resisting being chatted up (which says more about my contact with women perhaps!?). Brialy is good value and plays his character(s) well throughout the film.Overall this is an interesting film for several reasons but it is also quite an enjoyable one. The script is natural even if it hasn't got the strongest of narratives or best of conclusions and the cast do well to deliver it in a manner that is believable and natural making Godard's short worth seeing.
A simple story of two longtime girl friends and room mates who unknown to each other each meet the same young man in a park on the same day. He uses almost the same pick up line with each woman and spends about 40 minutes at a café wooing each of them. Both women are smitten and both agree to meet him for dinner on one of the following evenings. They are surprised when comparing notes that they both met a Patrick, but then the next day are together when by chance they see him use the same moves on another girl near the park. Nice acting by the women, and classic Rohmer attention to details of the heart.