All the Little Animals

1999 "On this earth, in this land, we are all here for a reason."
6.7| 1h52m| R| en

An emotionally challenged young man named Bobby runs away from home in order to escape his abusive stepfather who has killed his pets. He meets an old man, Mr. Summers, who spends his time traveling and giving burials to animals that have been killed by cars. Bobby, also having an affinity for animals, becomes friends with the old man and aids him in his task.


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GazerRise Fantastic!
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
AaronCapenBanner Christian Bale stars as Bobby Platt, an innocent young man that doesn't fit in so well with society(I sympathize greatly!) who is forced to take to the highways and roads of Cornwall, England after his mother dies, and his evil sociopath of a stepfather decides to put him away to gain full control of the family business.Bobby is viewed as mentally challenged, but really that is a misunderstanding of this poor innocent person, who loves nature, and after befriending fellow wanderer Mister Summers(played with quiet dignity by John Hurt) decides to help him bury dead animals killed by cars along the road. Mr. Summers has a secret past that keeps him a recluse, but they form a close friendship that becomes threatened by the return of the stepfather...Christian Bale is entirely believable, and his journey of self-discovery is remarkable. Story does have a jarring change of tone in the climax, but this is not enough to mar this otherwise memorable film that like-minded viewers will appreciate.
gracefulily76 This movie is incredible. Christian Bale gives the most convincing, beautiful performance. He becomes Bobby. The story is so unique and really is for those motivated by compassion and love for the simple, and often under looked in society. The stepfather is evil incarnate, and I could almost not bear watching him. John Hurt is amazing in this as well. I loved this movie! This isn't a review, just me, expounding on my favorite actor, Christian Bale, and how in love I am with his work. He brings it every time! The scenery in this is gorgeous as well, of the English countryside. There is a scene towards the end when Bobby (Bale) starts crying over Mr. Summers and it is magnificent. He is so believable. Good triumphs over evil. It is a bit twisted at times, but you have to watch this with the spirit of justice in mind. This is a story of love, and the power of the simple, the "unpowerful" in our world's eye.
sizzle63 I've been a fan of Christian Bale almost 6 years, and this film just once again proves how great (and cute!) an actor he is. The movie itself is also great, but when I watched it it was on t.v. and I missed the first 30 minutes of it. John Hurt was also wonderful in it. Btw, is he that old guy who gave Harry the wand in the first Harry Potter? It's such a touching story of how a mentally disabled young man, Bobby (Bale) runs away and befriends an old man, Mr. Sommers (Hurt). Together, they bury roadkill because Mr. Sommers believes that all living beings should be treated equally. All in all, I recommend this movie to everyone.:)
endem-1 The only reason to watch this ridiculous mess of a film is the beautiful Cornish coast. Filled with sanctimonious cliches, and contradictions, the story marches on it's predictable way to it's predictable conclusion. The three central characters are tiresome, the story contains no nuance or subtlety, nothing but the relentless pounding of whatever message the writer wanted to deliver. If you need to see footage of Cornwall in a dramatic setting, your time will be better served by viewing "The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea".