All Through the House

2015 "There is a CREATURE stirring..."
4.4| 1h20m| NR| en

A deranged masked Santa-Slayer comes to town for some yuletide-terror. He leaves behind a bloody trail of mutilated bodies as he hunts his way to the front steps of the town's most feared and notorious home.


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The Readmond Company


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Also starring Melynda Kiring

Also starring Jason Ray Schumacher


Bardlerx Strictly average movie
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Woodyanders College student Rachel Kimmel (a solid and appealing performance by Ashley Mary Nunes) returns to her home town to celebrate Christmas with her family and friends at the same time that a psycho dressed as Santa Claus (an unnerving portrayal by Lito Velasco) decides to embark on a vicious killing spree.Writer/director Todd Nunes keeps the engrossingly twisted story moving along at a constant pace, delivers a handy helping of in-your-face nasty gore, maintains a take-no-prisoners harsh tone throughout (the wacko cuts guy's penises off with a huge pair of garden shears), does a sturdy job of crafting a supremely creepy atmosphere, pays nice tribute to such 1980's slice'n'dice classics as "Alone in the Dark" and "The Slumber Party Massacre," and even throws in a smidgen of tasty gratuitous female nudity for extra good trashy measure. Melynda Kiring easily cops the top acting honors with her divinely deranged turn as the bitter and unhinged Mrs. Garrett, who's harboring one hell of a sick family secret. Moreover, the filmmakers deserve additional praise for using nifty old school practical splatter make-up effects. Ryan J. Anderson's sharp cinematography provides a pleasing polished look. Irving Victoria's shivery score hits the spirited shuddery spot. A fun little seasonal slasher outing.
shawnblackman Just in time for Halloween comes this slasher throwback about a man wearing a Krampus costume doling out death with a pair of hedge shears. This one follows all the rules of slasherness in a campy manor from the breasts to the surreal characters to the cheesy squirting blood. A no brainer Friday night flick for sure and it keeps you laughing.The killer liked to shear off penises (the cat gets at one of them) and I thought maybe the writer is telling us something but later you see that he literally has a bag of dicks. The end tells me a sequel is coming. There now is a new film the whole family can enjoy on Christmas Eve.
sandy "All Through The House" definitely delivers the main setup of a classic slasher film and the actress Ashley (plays Rachel) gives a great performance. The writing and production is executed well with cohesiveness right to the end and the payoff is a strong one. Mixed in with a great psychological thriller, will there be blood? Hell yeah, there's BLOOD. Who doesn't like sexy men and women slashed to pieces, and some of the pieces are penile and breast bits, while having laugh out loud moments where the director (Todd Nunes) has enough masterfulness to mixed them effectively. After all, this is a slasher Christmas movie so it delivers horror with bloody festivities. The previous review was taking themselves too seriously. Get over yourself, you ain't no Roger Ebert. Haters gonna hate. If you want to be genuinely entertained with bloody, sexy, thriller, production value, acting, then this has it all.
Horrific_Hector If you aren't into 80's slasher movies and all the fixings that made them so great... then this movie isn't for you. It's also not 'Silence of the Lambs'. It is however, a well made, above average, indie slasher made for pure entertainment. This IS a total homage film (and there's nothing wrong with that). This IS a gory film. This IS a T&A film. This movie celebrates what made many of the early slasher films so much fun. while also delivering a story that isn't spelled out for you. There is an actual mystery to this story and great technical work combining to make this movie a whole heck of a lot of fun to watch. The SFX are GREAT. and there are many. The killer is iconic with a brutal backstory. The final girl earns that title. At the end of the day, I love what this film did, I got it, and I want more.