Almost Married

4.5| 1h37m| en

When Kyle returns from his stag-do with a sexually transmitted disease, he's left unable to have sex with his fiancée Lydia in the run-up to their wedding.


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Alicia I love this movie so much
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
johan777-1 The movie kept me glued to the screen. In the same league as the hangover or even better. Does not deserve this rating. If you have a brain you will enjoy this film.
Quotius I'm not sure if I was watching the same movie as the other reviewers that have all left 8 and above, it begs the question of what they rating they give a good film.Personally I'm a big fan of British movies, I do what I can to see them and rent them when they come up. I have a lot of faith in the acting and writing of fellow Brits to deliver. From Blackadder to Four Lions there's a lot of genius in British comedy. Sadly none of it is here.That said the dialogue and direction are good, there was plenty of quality that helped mask an underlying problem. Eventually the dialogue seems to become very repetitive. After an hour I'd got bored of the whining of the protagonist and the sheer banality of his mate, with too few laughs to lift the movie from being dreary. Just because a movie has men wee-ing in it and talks about STI's doesn't make it edgy or even particularly clever and it certainly doesn't make it funny.5 stars isn't bad for me and its a nod to the positive aspects of the film. It's better than I could do, but it isn't good.
danew13-303-737223 The best thing about Almost Married is smoking hot Emily Attack (Atack). Other than her the plot of this film mimics such Vince Vaughan gems of the absurd as the Dilemma....where you have an obvious problem and an equally obvious solution, something that eludes the two buddies who are the main characters...a future bridegroom and his self serving manipulative best man.They take a serious yet simple problem and morph it into a saga-like road trip in an attempt to find a hooker who may have given the groom the clap only a few weeks before his wedding. Unlike the In-Betweeners, the two guys are adult English working class pals who act so gormless you may understand why some school GCSE scores are so low.There are few laughs in this film because stupidity is passed off as comedy without any basis or punch-line for humour. By the film's end it had become so tedious I couldn't wait for the credits.I'm looking for some intelligent comedy being made other than Woody Allen films. The British used to be good at this. This film isn't one of those products.
Tootrue1 I never usually review films on here but I recently watched Almost Married and thought it was so well written and edited that I had to put something up! It is very funny, but it's not a rom-com... (I saw the film before seeing any of the trails so I was going in completely open- minded, and I think that served to increase my enjoyment of the film). If I had been expecting some run-of-the-mill chick flick...I may have got a little shock! It's far cleverer than that.It's witty, gritty, honest and actually pretty dark in places. There are a few gross-out moments, and a generous helping of your definitive lad- comedy... but it's also charming, compelling, brilliantly performed, and the twist definitely has the 'omg' moment. The subject matter is not to everyone's taste, but come on.. we've all been there! (right?)I haven't really.